Thorn EMI was in the US back in the 80s sold mostly Sox and Hid stuff but it hard to find US market ones and they also redesign to fit American arms , You also want look for LPS stuff on Canada Ebay as Canada had more British relationship Than US does on craigslist or Facebook market place. Facebook allow u talk to other collectors so u can ask people And gain more knowlage. U will lessen asking small questions On LG. In the US market there things like Verdaray sox lantern, GEC Nightwatch, Philips goldfinger, Thorn Alpha 4 Gamma 6, Sox 55er ( American market Beta 2 with US gear) Then u got the American Electric SRX sox street light, and U got palmar/ spaulding sox.
Do your self a favor find me under Facebook that Id PM u once I will then point u out to one of British/American Iights , and save your self from from all those small questions and have a sensable converstation with Multiple lighting collector. That way u can reduce some of your small silly posting every day that kind irritate people on LG.
I am going go grab my thorn 55er
No LED gadgets, spins too slowly. Gotta love preheat and MV. let the lights keep my meter spinning.