OK , the dents shouldn't be an issue as they can be gently tapped out with a small hammer. HOWEVER , the missing refractor WILL be an issue as it was originally crimped into the reflector and is unique to the Form 109 . I'm not sure if a Form 400/M-400 refractor has the same footprint or not. As for finding a replacement refractor/reflector ass'y, that may be a bit difficult also unless maybe one of our older members has one or more stashed away somewhere . My Form 109 is missing the part of the hinge attached to the reflector . Your slip fitter and reflector are different than mine , I'd assume different years ? I haven't figured out how to determine a date on these creatures yet !.
If you DO happen to stumble across a replacement reflector/refractor ass'y , I'd be interested in you hinge ass'y from the damaged one !

If I happen to find any or info on where to find one , I'll let you know ! GOOD LUCK !