Author Topic: a secret I seek to learn Heeelp  (Read 3961 times)

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My idol is Mylene Farmer, deal with it.

a secret I seek to learn Heeelp « on: May 13, 2020, 12:07:10 PM » Author: vytautas_lamps
Hello kind people of this gallery,

I am seeking the forsaken secret, that some of the older gallery members have used to this day to make something very special, that I am fond of and I really want to learn the secret process of it! Please, can someone tell me in detail, how the living halide do you make single word links to other uploads on this gallery? Like, when someone is saying "...if you take a look at *this* you'll understand..." and the word *this* is a blue clickable word that sends you to a respective address.. How do you do it? I want to learn it too!! Please, can someone teach me how to make a single clickable word link to a URL address???????? I am dying to learn it! I searched on internet and I just can't find any relevant results.. Please, help me!   :)
Thank you very much in advance,
« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 12:08:44 PM by vytautas_lamps » Logged

New lighting technologies is a pity fest everywhere you look. From LEDs that last only for two months, to a never-ending global starvation of t8 fluorescent tubes.
We shall reinforce ourselves with good old full mercury t12s and HIDs made to surpass one's life, and give them all the middle finger ;


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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)

Re: a secret I seek to learn Heeelp « Reply #1 on: May 13, 2020, 01:25:42 PM » Author: xmaslightguy
Its actually very easy - do as in this this example code:
Code: [Select]
[url=] LG [/url]
will give you a one-word link:
« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 01:27:14 PM by xmaslightguy » Logged

ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!


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Re: a secret I seek to learn Heeelp « Reply #2 on: May 13, 2020, 01:37:33 PM » Author: Lightingguy1994
You can also find it here in the site rules and instructions section.

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My idol is Mylene Farmer, deal with it.

Re: a secret I seek to learn Heeelp « Reply #3 on: May 13, 2020, 01:43:49 PM » Author: vytautas_lamps
Thank you guys very much for the help!!! I just edited few of my older uploads to see if it would work and it does!!! I am so happy! Thank you again!!!  ;D

New lighting technologies is a pity fest everywhere you look. From LEDs that last only for two months, to a never-ending global starvation of t8 fluorescent tubes.
We shall reinforce ourselves with good old full mercury t12s and HIDs made to surpass one's life, and give them all the middle finger ;

Re: a secret I seek to learn Heeelp « Reply #4 on: May 13, 2020, 01:46:57 PM » Author: sox35
Plus you can do all sorts of other things to make the link stand out, for example adding i in square brackets makes the text italic, b makes it bold and u underlines it. Follow the word with /i, /b and /u (in square brackets) to cancel the effects.

So to make a link to this image

You would enter (cut and paste so you don't make a mistake..!) [ url= ][ u ][ b ]this link[ /b ][ /u ][ /url ] (take out the spaces in the square brackets) to get

this link

It's probably as clear as mud at this stage but study it closely and it will become second nature.

Hope this helps  :love:

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My idol is Mylene Farmer, deal with it.

Re: a secret I seek to learn Heeelp « Reply #5 on: May 13, 2020, 01:49:33 PM » Author: vytautas_lamps
Plus you can do all sorts of other things to make the link stand out, for example adding i in square brackets makes the text italic, b makes it bold and u underlines it. Follow the word with /i, /b and /u (in square brackets) to cancel the effects.

So to make a link to this image

You would enter (cut and paste so you don't make a mistake..!) [ url= ][ u ][ b ]this link[ /b ][ /u ][ /url ] (take out the spaces in the square brackets) to get

this link

It's probably as clear as mud at this stage but study it closely and it will become second nature.

Hope this helps  :love:

Thank you Ria! This really helps, I've been in this galery since 2014 and I never knew these hacks  :lol: Thank you again  :D :love:

New lighting technologies is a pity fest everywhere you look. From LEDs that last only for two months, to a never-ending global starvation of t8 fluorescent tubes.
We shall reinforce ourselves with good old full mercury t12s and HIDs made to surpass one's life, and give them all the middle finger ;


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Re: a secret I seek to learn Heeelp « Reply #6 on: May 13, 2020, 02:55:14 PM » Author: joseph_125
I think the reason why a lot of the older users know how to do it was that using the
Code: [Select]
[url=]Lighting-Gallery[/url] format to post links in forum posts and comments used to be a rule on the site. It was mainly because the software tended to stretch out the page (like when someone posts a large image in the forum now) when a user posted a long link. The linking rule was a way to avoid that from happening.

I don't remember when it got dropped but I guess they finally fixed that bug so no more need to format links using the url tags.
Re: a secret I seek to learn Heeelp « Reply #7 on: May 13, 2020, 03:06:55 PM » Author: sox35
I don't remember when it got dropped but I guess they finally fixed that bug so no more need to format links using the url tags.
I find it extremely irritating when long links get posted, especially when they are full of seemingly random letters and numbers. It's much neater to format them properly. You wouldn't think much of a company if their website put raw links up, would you..?
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