Not lighting-related, but I'm looking for a couple windows library/addon files (these are freely distributable, co no copyright issues)
They're needed for a couple different free weather softwares I downloaded.
"Build Tools For Visual Studio 2019" the full
offline installer, not one of those phony online installers!
"Universal C Runtime In Windows" (again a full download)
(in both cases for Win 7)
I did multiple google searches, and every one of the links that I tried in the search results was totally worthless...They either linked to a microsoft server for the download, or were dead pages.
I found one .maybe. for the first item ... but it was kind of a sketchy looking site...and it was something like a 11-gb download

(I think it may have actually been a full download of 'visual studio', not just the "build tools")
Anyone have an idea on just what to search for to find these (exclude any results that just give a link to microsoft)??
Or as a 2nd option, a list of all the files within the install archives??