Author Topic: Powerlite B2218 lens  (Read 2719 times)

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Powerlite B2218 lens « on: April 21, 2020, 08:08:53 PM » Author: JohnnyT
Hello all. I’m new to this forum.
I’ve recently acquired two Powerlite B2218 fixtures without the lenses. I was wondering if anyone had an idea if these were the same lenses as were used in other Powerlite units, or if they are unique to this model. I’d really like to find matching lenses.
Any information any can offer would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Powerlite B2218 lens « Reply #1 on: April 22, 2020, 12:01:34 AM » Author: joseph_125
Welcome to LG!

I believe the B2218 used a rather unique refractor in terms of the Powerlites. I have a attached a couple pictures of what appears to be the correct refractor for the B2218. They were at an antique store a few years ago and I believe they have since been sold.

Anyway it seems like all of the Powerlite streetlight fixtures from that era shared refractors with the Joslyn fixtures of that era. The B2217 with the MV-121 and the B2215 with the MV-141. I'm not sure which model fixture that the B2218 shared it's refractor with but I believe the refractor was also used by Joslyn as it had the Joslyn logo on it.

Nice lights BTW, it seems like they were retrofitted for a rather lower wattage. The small metal halide lamp in it looks rather out of place in the large reflector designed for 1000w mercury lamps.
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