Author Topic: Anxiety Problems  (Read 13745 times)

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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #15 on: March 28, 2020, 11:14:22 PM » Author: ace100w120v
I went through a phase where I really dealt with it.  It's since passed and I've put it down to a specific life stressor I was dealing with at the time.

Oddly sitting in/working on/driving old army trucks was what would make me snap out of it.

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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #16 on: March 30, 2020, 12:17:31 AM » Author: CEB1993
Dealing with upheaval in the community due to covid19, a job change, and other factors have really stressed me out. I've taken a few much needed personal days, but those aren't going to fix all of my problems. I understand myself and my anxiety triggers, and I'm working on powering through when I need to. I do have a few specific phobias due to past traumas, and sometimes just thinking about those things can push me over the edge.

Immersing myself in familiar activities with familiar people really helps me to manage anxiety. Familiarity is my friend and always knowing the right thing to do and what to expect helps me have better days. Doing things, solving problems, and helping people makes me feel valued and happy. My tendency to withdraw and get away from people during my anxious episodes is actually not conducive. Simply feeling accepted and appreciated is important to me. I've dealt with rejection on personal and professional levels and it makes me anxious about my future endeavors and about making mistakes in any part of my life. I doubt myself and seek validation for everything.

This quote sums up some of my inner struggles:

"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default."

-JK Rowling

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fluorescent lover 40

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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #17 on: March 30, 2020, 12:33:24 AM » Author: fluorescent lover 40
I have social anxiety and generally have a hard time talking to people and holding a normal conversation with them. Though I'm working on improving that.

Honestly, this COVID-19 virus doesn't scare me at all, though I take measures to not get it of course. It just makes life boring and because of the lack of human interaction, it's been hard doing things.

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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #18 on: March 30, 2020, 12:42:26 AM » Author: Lightingguy1994
I get anxiety / panic attacks at times. Almost guaranteed one if i have to go somewhere or do something that makes me perceive myself being trapped or have no control of the situation. Examples are sitting in dentist chairs, being out in public. Being away from home. Having to go out for supper especially at someones house.

The supper one hits hard for me because I wasn't raised to eat at a table at a certain time with others. We always just made our own food and ate whenever we wanted. Most of my eating is done alone in my room when I'm at the computer.

When I eat at someone elses place I still have manners and all that so no problem there but just i feel nervous around others and I absolutely must sit at the end of the table or ill feel trapped. I also dont have any entertainment to eat to. Because of this i insist on smaller servings.

Socializing and being around people is very difficult in of itself for me.

Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #19 on: March 30, 2020, 08:52:45 AM » Author: sox35
I have social anxiety and generally have a hard time talking to people and holding a normal conversation with them. Though I'm working on improving that.
I had that problem before I moved in with Sammi. When I was on my own, I found it very hard to socialise. Sammi however, is an expert on "blethering" (Scots word for talking a lot, usually foolishly..!) and I seem to have picked up the habit  :lol:

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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #20 on: March 30, 2020, 04:13:11 PM » Author: CEB1993
I get anxiety / panic attacks at times. Almost guaranteed one if i have to go somewhere or do something that makes me perceive myself being trapped or have no control of the situation. Examples are sitting in dentist chairs, being out in public. Being away from home. Having to go out for supper especially at someones house.

The supper one hits hard for me because I wasn't raised to eat at a table at a certain time with others. We always just made our own food and ate whenever we wanted. Most of my eating is done alone in my room when I'm at the computer.

When I eat at someone elses place I still have manners and all that so no problem there but just i feel nervous around others and I absolutely must sit at the end of the table or ill feel trapped. I also dont have any entertainment to eat to. Because of this i insist on smaller servings.

Socializing and being around people is very difficult in of itself for me.

@Lightingguy1994: I can definitely relate to those sorts of problems myself. I went through a phase where I had social anxiety problems while eating out with other people. I always wanted to sit at the end of the table for an easy getaway if I needed it. Crowded and noisy restaurants were even worse. Eventually that anxiety passed after I faced my fear over and over again and nothing bad happened. Same thing on airplanes. I always request an aisle seat so I don't feel trapped between another passenger and the wall. I feel better knowing I can get up easily if I need to go to the restroom or need to relocate myself.

Job interviews really bring out the worst in me. I feel physically tense and feel like I have to memorize everything I need to say before the interview starts. I'm convinced the interviewer will try to trip me up and intentionally humiliate me. I'm so self-conscious about wearing the right clothes, asking the right questions, accidentally saying/asking something inappropriate etc. I stutter or speak with no emotion to my voice and come across as too tense and serious.


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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #21 on: March 30, 2020, 06:17:48 PM » Author: Lightingguy1994

@Lightingguy1994: I can definitely relate to those sorts of problems myself. I went through a phase where I had social anxiety problems while eating out with other people. I always wanted to sit at the end of the table for an easy getaway if I needed it. Crowded and noisy restaurants were even worse. Eventually that anxiety passed after I faced my fear over and over again and nothing bad happened. Same thing on airplanes. I always request an aisle seat so I don't feel trapped between another passenger and the wall. I feel better knowing I can get up easily if I need to go to the restroom or need to relocate myself.

Job interviews really bring out the worst in me. I feel physically tense and feel like I have to memorize everything I need to say before the interview starts. I'm convinced the interviewer will try to trip me up and intentionally humiliate me. I'm so self-conscious about wearing the right clothes, asking the right questions, accidentally saying/asking something inappropriate etc. I stutter or speak with no emotion to my voice and come across as too tense and serious.

On buses I try to sit in the back so Im not in view of people lol and sometimes during social dinners or whatnot I'll visit the restroom just to get a few mins to myself when I don't actually have to use the bathroom. Job interviews I can handle, the eye contact is difficult but the over meetings I found were short enough to survive.
Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #22 on: March 30, 2020, 06:22:42 PM » Author: sox35
I was lucky. In my last job I had my own office and didn't have to interact with people all that much. I could do some work from home, but not all of it, as there were a lot of things I had to be on site for. I did have to attend meetings etc. and deal with the occasional visitor, but by and large I was left on my own to get on with it  8)
Daniel f

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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #23 on: March 30, 2020, 06:26:19 PM » Author: Daniel f
Hi all, I would like to let you know that I have anxiety, OCD, and panic attacks. I am gradually accepting this as part of who I am and disclosing it to people I know. I've dealt with anxiety and OCD since I was a young child. The past two and a half years, I've began to have occasional panic attacks, which are really scary and uncomfortable, and often leave me feeling physically ill. With all that's going on in the world right now, and stress that I'm dealing with individually, I had a panic attack yesterday at work. I'm doing okay today and I'm finding ways to manage these episodes.

It seems like some days I worry about EVERYTHING. In order to tame my anxiety and bring myself to a better state of mind, I do the following:

Stop what I'm doing and go someplace alone.
Take my medicine.
Listen to relaxing music.
Focus on things I'm thankful for.
Focus on enjoyable hobbies and interests (i.e. lighting and cars)

I will say that lighting and a site like LG is a blessing for me to enjoy a unique interest with other likeminded people  :)

Anyone have any advice or memories of their own struggles? After reaching out to a few people, I've found I am not alone in this battle and that many people are actually very understanding and compassionate.
  I have a vision problem.  I have too many flies and my solution is a vitreoctomy.  which I have to avoid as much as I can.  sometimes I get very angry and I get depressed it is like a visual torture to be seeing these things.  I can't see white walls and the clarity kills me.  I was taking pills for a while. They caused very bad depression.  I had a time when I had bad thoughts ..... fortunately I took refuge in the gallery and although I am still sick of this I have it better and more animated.  the bulbs help me to be more animated and happy.  I hope you cheer up too.  there is always something to fight for.  your dreams come true !!! 😊
Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #24 on: March 30, 2020, 06:41:38 PM » Author: sox35
I have a vision problem.  I have too many flies and my solution is a vitreoctomy.  which I have to avoid as much as I can.  sometimes I get very angry and I get depressed it is like a visual torture to be seeing these things.  I can't see white walls and the clarity kills me.  I was taking pills for a while. They caused very bad depression.  I had a time when I had bad thoughts ..... fortunately I took refuge in the gallery and although I am still sick of this I have it better and more animated.  the bulbs help me to be more animated and happy.  I hope you cheer up too.  there is always something to fight for.  your dreams come true !!! 😊
I have a vision problem as well. I had a condition called retinoschisis, in which the retina splits at the back of the eye, although this is not retinal detachment as such. This is a relatively common condition, but where it was interesting with me is that it had progressed into the macula of the eye. This is actually extremely rare, one of the consultants I saw at the Eye Clinic at the hospital said as far as he knew I was only the eighth person in the world known to have it  8;)

It was mostly corrected with surgery, but I have lost quite a lot of my peripheral vision in that eye  :-\

This place has helped me a lot. Sammi and I have had problems with certain members in the past as most of you will be aware, but that is hopefully all in the past now  8) :love:

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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #25 on: March 30, 2020, 06:48:05 PM » Author: Lightingguy1994
 I have a vision problem.  I have too many flies and my solution is a vitreoctomy.  which I have to avoid as much as I can.  sometimes I get very angry and I get depressed it is like a visual torture to be seeing these things.  I can't see white walls and the clarity kills me.  I was taking pills for a while. They caused very bad depression.  I had a time when I had bad thoughts ..... fortunately I took refuge in the gallery and although I am still sick of this I have it better and more animated.  the bulbs help me to be more animated and happy.  I hope you cheer up too.  there is always something to fight for.  your dreams come true !!! 😊

By the sounds of it, you just have floaters in your visual field? A vitrectomy will usually remove that. Are you afraid of doing this or something going wrong? Its perfectly ok I would be the same way. But eventually I would probably get fed up and just say * :curse: * with it and get it done lol.  

I hate getting dental work done, so you can imagine how my 7 appointments were like for me last year when I got a dentist after so many years of not having one and had a lot of work to do. Had to start with a root canal on a tooth and then fillings on almost every tooth which only a quarter of my mouth was done at once.

Appointments were like this:
1: Exam
2: Root Canal part 1 (Drilling and temporary filling)
3: Root Canal part 2 (finish with final filling)
4: Top left side mouth fillings
5 Top right side fillings
6 Bottom left fillings
7 Filling done on a wisdom tooth on bottom right

Luckily my 3 wisdom teeth are OK and no need to remove. The 4th one is a little bit on an angle and will eventually have to go but for now it got a filling and could stay. My last apt was early Feb so just made it before this virus closed my office.

The root canal I never want to go through again, I was forced to take like 7 pills before they started, was very difficult as I was anxious and feeling nausea from it. it also took long and I felt so sick for like 2 hours after  :sick: and I had to find my own way home so I just sat at the base of a hotel sign until it passed then went home. The send part was not so bad it was just the final filling and no meds needed. I really hate having to take xrays when they stick that block in your mouth and I hated that rubber (...) they used during the procedure.

I wasn't the best with my teeth as a teen but  I sure am now I brush and floss and don't drink pop
Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #26 on: March 30, 2020, 06:52:56 PM » Author: sox35
I hate getting dental work done, so you can imagine how my 7 appointments were like for me last year when I got a dentist after so many years of not having one and had a lot of work to do. Had to start with a root canal on a tooth and then fillings on almost every tooth which only a quarter of my mouth was done at once.
Heh, I must have spent a small fortune on dental treatment over the years. I once rang my dentist on his mobile to see if he wanted to come out for a drink (I knew him socially before he qualified, which is why I ended up seeing him, even though he was several miles away) and he said "Sorry, I can't, I'm on holiday in Australia..!"  @-@

I think I probably paid for half of that trip  :lol:

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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #27 on: March 30, 2020, 06:55:53 PM » Author: Lightingguy1994
Heh, I must have spent a small fortune on dental treatment over the years. I once rang my dentist on his mobile to see if he wanted to come out for a drink (I knew him socially before he qualified, which is why I ended up seeing him, even though he was several miles away) and he said "Sorry, I can't, I'm on holiday in Australia..!"  @-@

I think I probably paid for half of that trip  :lol:

Luckily I didn't have to pay for my work as I have coverage by the province, I bet it would have been 5 digits in price if i did  :poof:
Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #28 on: March 30, 2020, 06:59:58 PM » Author: sox35
Luckily I didn't have to pay for my work as I have coverage by the province, I bet it would have been 5 digits in price if i did :poof:
Yeah, I don't have to pay now as I get a benefit which qualifies me for free treatment, but that's only been for the last 3 years or so. Before that it was expensive, which is one of the reasons my mouth is in such a state, it's not that I was scared to go, I just couldn't afford it, and I only went when I got toothache I could no longer ignore  :poof:  :-\
Daniel f

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Re: Anxiety Problems « Reply #29 on: March 30, 2020, 07:07:06 PM » Author: Daniel f
I have a vision problem as well. I had a condition called retinoschisis, in which the retina splits at the back of the eye, although this is not retinal detachment as such. This is a relatively common condition, but where it was interesting with me is that it had progressed into the macula of the eye. This is actually extremely rare, one of the consultants I saw at the Eye Clinic at the hospital said as far as he knew I was only the eighth person in the world known to have it  8;)

It was mostly corrected with surgery, but I have lost quite a lot of my peripheral vision in that eye  :-\

This place has helped me a lot. Sammi and I have had problems with certain members in the past as most of you will be aware, but that is hopefully all in the past now  8) :love:

   You also really know better than me how annoying it is to suffer from vision.  I see without glasses perfectly but my vitreous is liquefied and with a dump of flies or floats.  over time I will undergo a vitreoctomy.  for the moment enjoy as much as you can .... you also have a big problem.  I hope that with surgery it will be solved 🙂.
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