Author Topic: Windows 7 has reached EOL as of today.  (Read 3063 times)

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Windows 7 has reached EOL as of today. « on: January 14, 2020, 07:15:02 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
Windows 7 is officially at EOL. but honestly I will switch back to Linux before going to windows 10.


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:


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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)

Re: Windows 7 has reached EOL as of today. « Reply #1 on: January 14, 2020, 10:21:35 PM » Author: xmaslightguy
I could truly care less if whatever ver of windows I'm using is 'officially' EOL. Makes on difference to me whether M$ supports them or not. Simple fact is they still physically work fine.

I too would go Linux before Win 10

ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!

Mandolin Girl
Re: Windows 7 has reached EOL as of today. « Reply #2 on: January 15, 2020, 11:10:29 AM » Author: Mandolin Girl
We have one machine that still has Windoze 7 on it, but I don't see any need to change from that as it is only really used for playing Sim City 4, and I haven't done that in ages.

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Re: Windows 7 has reached EOL as of today. « Reply #3 on: January 15, 2020, 02:05:43 PM » Author: Medved
Well, on two machines I still have WinXP. No way to update, their processing power and storage capacity is just plain too low.
Bu they still do the job, so I'm using them...

No more selfballasted c***

Re: Windows 7 has reached EOL as of today. « Reply #4 on: January 15, 2020, 02:20:26 PM » Author: sox35
There was one system (fortunately it was a standalone machine and not networked) at one of the bus garages that I used to work at that was using Win3.1 up until around 10 years ago. They couldn't change it as the software had never been updated and wouldn't run on anything later  ;D

As regards Win7, I do think it was the best of all the more recent versions. I'm a Linux user through and through, but I do have some specialist software that won't run under any of the various emulation utilities so I have to keep at least one machine with Windows on. It's Win10 but has been very heavily customised to resemble Win7 as closely as possible, desktop appearance, utilities etc. so it's at least bearable to use..!


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Re: Windows 7 has reached EOL as of today. « Reply #5 on: January 16, 2020, 06:55:38 AM » Author: Ash
This means Windows 7 computers connected to the internet will start becoming parts of botnets, as XP ones went before them - As they are still full of holes. So if you keep any obsolete Windows OSes around, keep the computers isolated

Windows 10 is part of a botnet from the start, except that (until it itself will become obsolete someday, or cracked) you have some sort of promise that it is controlled only by MS and government agencies

I run exclusively Linux since 2003 (moved from Windows 2000 professional) and never really missed any of that. I have worked as IT up to few years ago, maintaning XP and server 2003. I'm no longer in IT and have no interest to deal with what have become of it nowadays. I'm off to another journey now


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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)

Re: Windows 7 has reached EOL as of today. « Reply #6 on: January 16, 2020, 08:46:48 PM » Author: xmaslightguy
Quote from: Ash
This means Windows 7 computers connected to the internet will start becoming parts of botnets, as XP ones went before them - As they are still full of holes. So if you keep any obsolete Windows OSes around, keep the computers isolated
Never had any such problems, & I have Win 98/XP/7...
But I also have a software firewall & virus/malware software on all.
I also now have a Pi-Hole on the network which shows all attempted connections (plus you can block whatever you want - like the spyware that's built into windows & various browsers)
I plan to eventually install a hardware firewall on the network too (have it, just need to get it installed/configured/etc)

I've never once used microsoft I truly don't care if a windows is 'unsupported'. :lol:

ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!

Re: Windows 7 has reached EOL as of today. « Reply #7 on: January 17, 2020, 08:30:36 AM » Author: sox35
I have a copy of Win7 on an external drive that I can boot up from if required, the only thing I really need it for is if the BIOS firmware on the machine needs updating, which doesn't happen very often. Hopefully now that support has been withdrawn it won't keep bugging me with insistence on updating every time I run it up (about once or twice a year..!)
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