Author Topic: Abandoned lighting  (Read 3962 times)
Cole D.

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123 V 60 CPS

Abandoned lighting « on: December 14, 2019, 12:24:00 AM » Author: Cole D.
What abandoned lighting is in your area?

Here, I know of a field where an old restaurant used to be, are several Cooper OVX cobras. They've been abandoned for long time, probably at least 15 years I'd guess.

At a field behind an antique shop (they used to use it for parking for a flea market, but it moved,) there are two abandoned NEMA heads on poles. I think Coopers. The wires were cut off ages ago and they are missing their reflectors and lamps.

Also at another field that I think used to be a farm, there's an abandoned GE Powr/Bracket with the big refractor near a shed. The power lines and transformer were removed long ago.
I had also seen in Google Streetview there was an old warehouse a few miles from that, where there is another abandoned Powr/Bracket. The warehouse is since been demolished.

Finally, in my neighborhood, at end of street, there a tree farm which isn't used anymore, and there's an abandoned Cooper RMA NEMA head there, on GE arm, which is hanging by wires. Since the arm had come loose last summer.

Collect vintage incandescent and fluorescent fixtures. Also like HID lighting and streetlights.

fluorescent lover 40

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Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #1 on: December 14, 2019, 12:39:42 AM » Author: fluorescent lover 40
There are houses due for demolition here. One has a NEMA head and one has several incandescent fixtures. I'll try to spot the demolition crews and try to make a few saves.

My friend's next door neighbor has an old barn which is slowly falling apart which has intact knob and tube wiring with surface mount porcelain sockets.

There's an abandoned gas station near my school that has HO fluorescent lighting (no 8 lampers though) and a ITT/AE R175M.

There's also an abandoned lot with 4 AEL 125's and a 1000w MH floodlight. Interestingly, the meter is still there though abandoned.

There's a Wide-Lite F series 1000w MH floodlight in a place that used to be a warehouse.

My school has some abandoned 8ft VHO single lamp striplights and industrials.
fluorescent lover 40

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Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #2 on: December 14, 2019, 12:59:05 AM » Author: fluorescent lover 40
I have seen some abandoned meters as well. Seems like the utility just simply doesn't care or the meter is outdated and obsolete. Good luck on picking some of those fixtures up!
Yeah, there is a GE M-250A 100w HPS that was dutifully lighting one of the houses. It is a rental light from the utility company. Everything on it still works. May not be worth it in your eyes, but I would like to save it. All the other ones don't work at night. This was the only one that actually worked in my area. I doubt they'd reuse it. I might try to save insulators as well (only brown colored ones and one of each of any newer type). Why? They're also going to replace the power lines with underground wiring.

Also forgot to mention, there is a steel plant (still operational) with around 30-40 abandoned gumballs.

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SodiumVapor 105843202020668111118 UCpGClK_9OH8N4QkD1fp-jNw majorpayne1226 187567902@N04/
Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #3 on: December 14, 2019, 02:04:07 AM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
Many lamps and fixtures in my collection are formerly abandoned.... And I know of many more that are on my list of things to save.


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:


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Rich, Coaster junkie!

Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #4 on: December 14, 2019, 04:31:49 AM » Author: AngryHorse
There were some linear sodium SLI/H fittings, mounted under two railway bridges in Northwich, about six miles from me, long forgotten and unlit for years, but when I was there last Christmas, I popped up to have a look, but they had all been removed!
Whether they were scrapped, or stolen by collector’s  ;D is unknown though???

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Cole D.

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123 V 60 CPS

Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #5 on: December 14, 2019, 08:51:15 AM » Author: Cole D.
Yeah, there is a GE M-250A 100w HPS that was dutifully lighting one of the houses. It is a rental light from the utility company. Everything on it still works. May not be worth it in your eyes, but I would like to save it. All the other ones don't work at night. This was the only one that actually worked in my area. I doubt they'd reuse it. I might try to save insulators as well (only brown colored ones and one of each of any newer type). Why? They're also going to replace the power lines with underground wiring.

Also forgot to mention, there is a steel plant (still operational) with around 30-40 abandoned gumballs.

When I read that, I was thinking they probably won't bother to remove the poles or lights, but if they are moving the lines underground that makes sense. Around here if a place get demolished, they just disconnect the lines, and eventually remove the transformer. But they don't remove poles or lights usually. Even PAL get left in place, they just remove photocell.

Collect vintage incandescent and fluorescent fixtures. Also like HID lighting and streetlights.


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Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #6 on: December 14, 2019, 09:17:14 AM » Author: CreeRSW207
There was the Brinks bucket light, but it was removed. But there are 4 M1000s at an old motel.

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
Power Company: Eversource
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Cole D.

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123 V 60 CPS

Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #7 on: December 14, 2019, 02:12:34 PM » Author: Cole D.
I just remembered, there's an old place here that had a bunch of trailers sitting there and is abandoned. And there are two MV NEMAs, one on a long arm and one short, and an early GE 201SA NEMA there. Earlier this year there was a fire and it burned down the buildings and trailers and also melted the refractors on two of the NEMAs, but the GE one was undamaged. They are all still there but hadn't worked, in years.

Collect vintage incandescent and fluorescent fixtures. Also like HID lighting and streetlights.

Cole D.

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123 V 60 CPS

Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #8 on: December 14, 2019, 03:03:36 PM » Author: Cole D.
Going to get them?

Not unless I see power company removing, which I don't think will happen anytime soon. Although, when the refractors melted it might have ruined the windings in the ballast too from the heat. Not sure on that. The lamps in them don't look burned though.

Collect vintage incandescent and fluorescent fixtures. Also like HID lighting and streetlights.


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Rare white reflector

Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #9 on: December 15, 2019, 12:30:40 AM » Author: Silverliner
There's a pocket of 55w SOX street light fixtures on a building housing several auto repair businesses. None work. Never seen any lit since I moved here in 2007.

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Member of L-G since 2005.

Collector of vintage bulbs, street lights and fluorescent fixtures.


Also a fan of cars, travelling, working out, food, hanging out.

Power company: Southern California Edison.

fluorescent lover 40

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Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #10 on: December 15, 2019, 12:40:02 AM » Author: fluorescent lover 40
There's a house here with a GE post top streetlight that I have never seen on.

There's a lot in Jurupa Valley (if I recall correctly) that has businesses still operating but most of the lights are remote ballasted Westinghouse OV-25s that don't work and they replaced some of the lights with shoeboxes closest to the buildings.

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Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #11 on: December 15, 2019, 01:15:37 AM » Author: joseph_125
There's a couple of LM Spherolite Jr. that are abandoned. One is intact and was abandoned in in the early 90s when the section of road it once lit was bypassed to construct a overpass. The other one is almost completely gone and it's missing the lamp, socket, reflector and refractor. It once lit a pedestrian stairway.

There's some abandoned MV highway sign floodlights still around too. The pictured one is still up even though the sign it once lit is long gone and the lights disconnected.


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Rare white reflector

Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #12 on: December 15, 2019, 04:14:05 AM » Author: Silverliner
There's a string of abandoned series incandescent lights at the former Air Force base in Bell Gardens, CA. You can see them from I-710, but you can also access them from city streets on foot.

Administrator of Need help? PM me.

Member of L-G since 2005.

Collector of vintage bulbs, street lights and fluorescent fixtures.


Also a fan of cars, travelling, working out, food, hanging out.

Power company: Southern California Edison.

High Intensity

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Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #13 on: December 15, 2019, 05:46:24 AM » Author: High Intensity
There's a house near me with 5 or 6 175w MV NEMA heads on it (all 70's or so, some possibly older), none of them work.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2019, 05:46:42 PM by High Intensity » Logged

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Re: Abandoned lighting « Reply #14 on: December 15, 2019, 07:32:16 AM » Author: CreeRSW207
There also some M1000s  near a scrap metal dealer.

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
Power Company: Eversource
Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.

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