Author Topic: Announcement: Long hiatus  (Read 2986 times)

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Westinghouse OV25 Silverliners are classical!

Announcement: Long hiatus « on: March 16, 2019, 09:28:31 PM » Author: tpirman1982
I hope I'm posting this in the right category, but I have an announcement to make.

I'm sorry to have to tell you all this, but due to the recent family downturn (my father dying December 7th 2018) and some unforeseen events that have plagued us since my father died and due to my mother wanting to sell the house, the commutes I do in Boston when I go to take pictures of street lights will be forced to go on hiatus for as long as it takes to complete, which my boss strictly doesn't care how long it takes.
Also, due to my mother wanting to sell the house, we had to downsize on things. Even my street light collection. You may have noticed in my collection album, the pictures of my Westinghouse OV25 Silverliner, Thomas & Betts Model 113, ITT Model 25, General Electric M400R2, Leotek GC1 and the traffic light LEDs no longer exist in said album. They will be gotten rid of as soon as possible, which forced removal of the pictures. As a result of this, I will no longer be able to see Mercury Vapor like I used to when they were here. I may be making some changes to my commutes. One example may be focusing on the LED ones only or I may be cutting back on this hobby until I soon retire, probably by the end of the year.
However, this doesn't mean I'm leaving or The pictures my mother allows to keep in the albums will remain online for everyone to see. It only means I won't be as active with new pictures in the future.
I thank you all for your support in the pictures I've brought here all these years,
and I regret any inconvenience this may cause as far as bringing in new pictures in the future.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 09:34:14 PM by tpirman1982 » Logged

My street light gallery is located at


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SodiumVapor 105843202020668111118 UCpGClK_9OH8N4QkD1fp-jNw majorpayne1226 187567902@N04/
Re: Announcement: Long hiatus « Reply #1 on: March 16, 2019, 09:51:46 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
I hope I'm posting this in the right category, but I have an announcement to make.

I'm sorry to have to tell you all this, but due to the recent family downturn (my father dying December 7th 2018) and some unforeseen events that have plagued us since my father died and due to my mother wanting to sell the house, the commutes I do in Boston when I go to take pictures of street lights will be forced to go on hiatus for as long as it takes to complete, which my boss strictly doesn't care how long it takes.
Also, due to my mother wanting to sell the house, we had to downsize on things. Even my street light collection. You may have noticed in my collection album, the pictures of my Westinghouse OV25 Silverliner, Thomas & Betts Model 113, ITT Model 25, General Electric M400R2, Leotek GC1 and the traffic light LEDs no longer exist in said album. They will be gotten rid of as soon as possible, which forced removal of the pictures. As a result of this, I will no longer be able to see Mercury Vapor like I used to when they were here. I may be making some changes to my commutes. One example may be focusing on the LED ones only or I may be cutting back on this hobby until I soon retire, probably by the end of the year.
However, this doesn't mean I'm leaving or The pictures my mother allows to keep in the albums will remain online for everyone to see. It only means I won't be as active with new pictures in the future.
I thank you all for your support in the pictures I've brought here all these years,
and I regret any inconvenience this may cause as far as bringing in new pictures in the future.

I'm sorry for your loss. And hope to see ya back.

Also please dont throw them away! Send them to other members if need be..


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:

wide-lite 1000

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Re: Announcement: Long hiatus « Reply #2 on: March 16, 2019, 09:58:54 PM » Author: wide-lite 1000
Sorry about your father!. I hope you get everything straightened out, we'll be looking forward to seeing more of your photos when you return! Good luck !

Collector,Hoarder,Pack-rat! Clear mercury Rules!!


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Westinghouse OV25 Silverliners are classical!

Re: Announcement: Long hiatus « Reply #3 on: March 17, 2019, 02:39:51 PM » Author: tpirman1982
Sorry about your father!. I hope you get everything straightened out, we'll be looking forward to seeing more of your photos when you return! Good luck !

Actually, once the street lights in my collection are no longer in my possession, I will eventually be retiring.
However, all the pictures that are allowed to be kept in my galleries will remain for others to see.
There just won't be anything new to take pictures of.

My street light gallery is located at


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Westinghouse OV25 Silverliners are classical!

Re: Announcement: Long hiatus « Reply #4 on: March 17, 2019, 02:41:37 PM » Author: tpirman1982
I'm sorry for your loss. And hope to see ya back.

Also please dont throw them away! Send them to other members if need be..

It may be a long time before my hobbies are either back to normal or I retire.
Also, I don't know anything about sending them to anyone else here and I dunno how much shipping would cost me.
I just don't have the money at the moment for shipping out.

My street light gallery is located at


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/X rated

Re: Announcement: Long hiatus « Reply #5 on: March 17, 2019, 03:21:46 PM » Author: Lumex120
I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your father.

Also, I just wanted to say that your streetlighting website and pictures are what got me into this hobby in the first place. I first discovered your site years ago and seeing how many different kinds of streetlights there were just kind of got me hooked. So thanks for doing that.

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