Has anyone experienced bad fluorescent tube batches? Today I got a haul from my school of fluorescent tubes, and in there was a few NOS Tungsram early 2000s made F40T12 CW tubes. It seemed odd that they are putting unused tubes in the 'bad' tube pile. I brought home 4 of them and they seemed unused. I cleaned them, tested them and safely put them away, and as I was walking from the shelf a few hours ago after sorting everything I hear a crack and a hiss. I check witch one committed suicide, and I see that all four tubes had they necks broken off.

What the hell is happening??? I am so confused. Only the CW ones did that. Probably in the factory there were some defect in the glass stress annealing part of the manufacturing, because it can't be that it was just a coincidence of some sorts. All four tubes lost vacuum, because ends cracked off cleanly. It's such a shame, because tungsram CW T12s are very good tubes, with very good quality CRI and overall product.

I now think that they put these tubes in the 'bad' tube pile because the whole batch of these tubes kept failing on them and they just put the remaining tubes in the bad pile, and as I brought them home and cleaned them and tested them the fragile glass somehow developed a weak point and cracked. I am so, so mad right now... Such a nice tubes went to waste...