Author Topic: CFL, End of like protection. Is this a real hazard?  (Read 2909 times)

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CFL, End of like protection. Is this a real hazard? « on: October 13, 2008, 11:35:57 PM » Author: Nineaclock
I' have been purchasing CFL here in there, when my Incandescents burn out. I was just reading a spec sheet about a brand of CFL that I brought, and one of the options was that the CFL has a End of Life Protection. As I read online about it, It talked about that old CFL had an issue when burning out, and caused the plastic to melt. But with new CFL technology consumers said that the CFL make a popping noise and smoke comes out of the CFL indicating that the CFL was burnt out or the end-of-life mechanism worked, but said nothing on being a hazard.

My question is, should I be worried on keeping CFL on at night, inside of the house? could this be an issue or an fire hazard?


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Formerly "TiCoune66". Also known here as Vince.

Re: CFL, End of like protection. Is this a real hazard? « Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 05:38:21 PM » Author: Foxtronix
As far as I'm concerned, I use CFL only when I'm at home and not when I'm sleeping. You should do the same. In this way, if you're unlucky and one of your CFL catch in fire, you will be able to take the control of the situation quickly! Forunately cases of fire caused by CFLs are rare. Sometimes they make smoke at EOL, but they rarely catch in fire...


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my old friend proteus the prawn!

Re: CFL, End of like protection. Is this a real hazard? « Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 10:33:23 PM » Author: prawnman88
i only leave cfl's on when im arround except the one that was in back in a form 109 ive seen some get very hot to the touch as they get old

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Re: CFL, End of like protection. Is this a real hazard? « Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 02:38:31 AM » Author: Nineaclock
Well thanks for a little of that information, I keep a couple on at night including one in my room when I sleep. But they are about a year old, so there starting to blackened on the ends. I hope they will be ok.
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