One detail that helps a lot but very few people do it: Before putting the tip on the stand, just after cleaning it, wet it with fresh solder. Then just before using you have to clean that solder away because it degrades when sitting hot, but it provides excellent protection for the tip itself. The drawback is, you spend extra solder on it.
Regarding the cleaning: This metal cleaner is better than the wet sponge, mainly for the lead free (= higher temperatures involved), because it does not stress the tip thermally. The big mistake people do with sponges is, they have them really dripping wet and not just slightly wetted. Again the result is larger thermal shocks on the tip. The metal cleaner does not need any wetting, so there is no problem with excessive amount of water or so.
For the bad tip: Because it seems already ruined, you may try some more aggressive method, but still be careful. The tip is usually of copper body, with an electrochemical iron coating to provide barrier between the tin solder and the copper (otherwise the copper dissolves into the melted solder). This coat is then wetted by the solder. Because you used mainly dry cleaning, it is very likely the tip is just dirty (carbonized flux residues) and not that much corroded, so careful scrapping with some knife or so may remove them and then you may be able to revive it. But do not expect this to be a reliable method. Depends on the iron layer quality, there is high probability the layer cracks (and that could be caused by the scrapping), let the tin underneath to dissolve the copper, or the oxygen to oxidize it and the tip is the dead for good. So not good method for a working tip, but usable if your options are just trying it vs throwing the tip out right away.
For the tip shape, I bought selection of about 8 tip shapes (and sizes), but practically all the time use just the 2.4mm "D" (remotely like a flathead screwdriver), for really fine work alternating with 1mm, for high heat demand 5mm, all "D's". To me it offers good thermal conductivity, yet it still has rather narrow edge for small things. I use the compact tips integrated with heater, with a home made controller. These tips are really quick, so it is practical to use the "idle" mode - when not moving (so on the stand), it drops the temperature and reheats when you move it. I set the idle time really short (15 seconds), the idle tempperature at 200degC (so the solder just remains liquid; I use leaded solder, for lead free the ideal idle would be about 230degC - about 20degC above the melting point).