Author Topic: Biting the Bullet for LED  (Read 1777 times)

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JGriff021985 JMG717
Biting the Bullet for LED « on: December 29, 2018, 11:14:21 PM » Author: M250R201SA
So I finally bit the bullet, and ordered a Leotek Green Cobra LED luminaire.  The catalog number I chose is the same as my utility uses, and I kinda like 'em.  They look like DX Mercury lamps when shining on the street.  The Catalog Number is GCJ1-20H-MV-WW-5-GY-580-PCR7-CR-L10V-RWG.  I was attracted to the 10 year warranty, so if it decides to fu** up before 10 years, they will replace it.  After 10 years...well, it'll probably be time to sh*tcan it anyway.  I'll let y'all know when I get it.  It may be a month or two, as I drive a truck OTR, and I am usually gone for 1.5 months at a time, so I'll write a report once I get it.

"I know a thing or two about a thing or two...  I sure do."

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