But wouldn't apparent power (as measured via true RMS devices) = average power even if the device is only drawing current in various parts of the sine wave? Voltage and current are still in phase as you say- just stopping and starting at various times. I personally would not call this power factor, rather average power consumed over a period of time. Much like a diode in series with a bulb or a triac dimmer. Less work is done per second. To lower power factor (shift current in relation to voltage) you need either capacitance or inductance, devices which briefly "store" electricity and then "send" it back to the source after having "taken" it from the source. For example a capacitor charging (taking) and then discharging (sending back) electrons creates added current on the line in addition to the current already present actually going to do work. Because of I2R losses and amps being amps in terms of thermal limits, we restrict equipment to VA instead of watts. The more VA is doing work relative to "bouncing" back and forth, the more we consider assets to be well utilized.
Cheesy explanation, but that is how I was taught it- I'm sure you can word it better and by the looks of it you did.
Correct me if I am wrong.
You were taut of only small part of reasons and causes why a heavily loaded transmission transports not much power, although this part is occurring as problem in majority of real life power distribution systems...
But in recent years, when the active power electronic become wide spread, the nonlinear problems start to become in the focus as well.
For the terminology: The "work done for a second" is exactly how the term "Real power" is defined. And what the "average power" mathematically is. Because it describes the ong term average energy transfers, it makes sense to be used in any circuit, either linear harmonic (mains), nonlinear AC or even pulsed DC.
The term "apparent power" means a value, how the circuit value "appear" (so hence the product "Vrms * Arms"). And because it does not mean any energy transfer, it can not bear "W" as units, so it has just the "V*A" aka VA as unit. Because it means how the wiring is loaded and what losses are to be expected there, it is useful again in any circuits, mainly for wiring sizing.
The "reactive power" is what is causing energy bouncing there and back, so e.g. the pure capacitor and inductor. Again there is no long term energy transfer, so the units are VA. Normally this value makes sense to use only with linear circuits with harmonic single frequency feed (so inductors, capacitors, resistors on an AC mains), it is useful as base for what compensation is needed to get unity power factor. It could be expressed for nonharmonic or pulsed circuits as well, but it does not have any practical use there, because the power factor deterioration factors are so broad in nature, they need dedicated correction for each anyway and for most cases nothing like a compensation element exist at all (and sometimes "the higher the better" is what works - like a DC blocking tank capacitor with a DC supply and a pulsed load combination).
The phase shift cause you were taut is what is called "linear distortion". So you have distortion in the signals (the voltage and currents are different), but it is of a linear nature (scaling and superposition is working,...). In an environment with sinewave source of a fixed frequency the only way how the distortion may pop up is just a phase shift, nothing else.
There indeed PF = cos(Phi), because all the rest is ideal.
But when dealing with nonlinear circuits and more generic systems, the non-unity power factor problems appear and they can not anymore be described just a plain phase shift.
In fact even when you may define a phase shift (e.g. a phase shift between sine voltage vs 1'st harmonic of the current) as a "Phi",
PF is not anymore equal to cos(Phi). In fact PF < cos(Phi), because the phase shift is only one component of the PF problem and there are more of them.
Another cases of a non unity PF could be:
- Sinewave current feeding a load that act as a voltage clamp, so makes the voltage rectangular. There is no shift, but PF=2/Pi/sqrt(2).
- A DC voltage source (e.g. a battery) feeds a pulsed load with 50% duty (PWM dimmer). There the PF=sqrt(1-DutyRatio) = sqrt(1/2).
Note: Even the DC circuits may have below unity power factor. There the correction uses to be simple: Large blocking tank capacitor smoothing out the pulses. That means from the capacitor downstream the PF is still 0.707, but upstream the current is filtered, so the PF becomes closer to 1. And the larger the capacitor, the better the filtering, so the closer the PF goes towards 1, so the "the larger the better" case, something unheard of in text book phase compensations...
- An input of a single phase full wave rectifier loaded by a constant current (an inductor filter) means sinewave voltage, but rectangular current. PF=2/pi/sqrt(2).
- A phase cut dimmer set to 90deg conduction angle (= half power). Voltage is sinewave, current is only half cut sine pulses. PF=sqrt(1/2)
- A 2kW heating plate controlled by a thermostat for 10 seconds ON and 10 seconds OFF, fed from an AC mains. Power factor here is again sqrt(1/2).
Note: We are speaking about a resistor load (text books say the resistor is unity, right?). But it is not there alone, it is there with the cycling thermostat. And that makes the total load power factor only 71%. Actually the same apply as for the PWM with DC supply.
- Two 2kW heating plates, both controlled by a thermostat 10s ON/10s OFF (each plate has its own), but the hermostats are synced so they alternate. Because all the time is one plate connected and both are the same resistance, the overall power factor is unity.
Note: Here we have two loads, each the same 0.7 power factor, both because of the same mechanism (the 20s period PWM at 50%), the overall PF becomes unity again (simply the thermostats cancel each other). Again you won't see that in linear phase shift area (two capacitors won't cancel each other).
So the problematic becomes way broader. Yet still the "apparent power" and "real power", so the "power factor" terms make their practical use the way how they were defined originally for just the linear case.
Ahhh, thank you- almost did not consider that. But, I have to ask- at what point is a Mercury arc tube the most efficient (lumens per watt)? If we are dealing with a ballasted roadway or tunnel fixture longevity would be the primary goal, but because in this case we are using filaments (for the sake of the discussion we will assume they are an integral part of the bulb inside the envelope) I am less concerned about arc tube longevity as the filament will probably break before the tube fails even if over driven. At least it is my thin belief that over driving does not shorten life that much.
The higher arc load, the higher efficiency. But it tends to saturate at extreme high loads (see
the efficacy vs arc loading graph ; it is valid enev when varying power to a given lamp)
Also deluxe phosphor- how would that play with the filament's light?