IIRC Califonia just banned LED bulbs that don't have a CRI of 90 or more.
That ban is just a BS, mainly with LEDs. It means about 20% lower efficacy compare to CRI80 (still considered good enough for vast majority of home use). And more than 50% higher power for the same light output for low demand uses where CRI60 would be good enough.
It is especially nonsense for LEDs, because LED is a technology, which allows very good application performance gains from the color quality vs efficacy optimizations. With such regulation they just banned the use of one of the main possibility of the technology to reduce their environmental impact.
I may understand the limits on blue radiation for outdoor use, but even that regulation should not be linked to any technology, it should be valid for all (the nature dont care where the light pollution comes from, important it is just its level)
Well, environmentalists in action, what to say more...