Author Topic: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons  (Read 6332 times)

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Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « on: June 18, 2018, 05:28:02 AM » Author: Flurofan96
Hiya all from FF96  ;)

Looking back to one of my pic posts that I uploaded back in 2014, the conversation thread contained a discussion about school PE/Games lessons and I wonder why I sort of left the idea of posting such a forum thread where everyone on this site can write their experience  ???

So then if anyone is wanting to share their experience with PE/games in school whether you loved it or hated it with so  much dread

Here is the 2014 post containing the discussion
« Last Edit: June 18, 2018, 05:49:07 AM by Flurofan96 » Logged

Lighting-Gallery member since June 2014


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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #1 on: June 18, 2018, 05:47:37 AM » Author: Flurofan96
OK I will start off with some stories of mine!

Back in my former secondary school 8 years ago when the whole nation was boasting about the World Cup (to the point that my dad received 3 WC collection cards from the ESSO petrol station for FREE when paying for the petrol) and much to my irritation and dread, the school organised a World Cup themed day of playing football like late in the afternoon! It was really hard but all i could do was to keep running around and try to kick the ball in whatever direction it went to!

Then later on in my last school I can't remember what year it was, probably around in 2012 or 2013, and we were doing crosscountry in the foggy weather! The fog did not bother me at all because I was going to take advantage of its thickness to slow down to walk at the safe distance where the teacher cannot see me well in the fog. It worked for a few seconds or 1 minute as the teacher would walk around the tracks to check  :-[ as the rule was that we had to keep running at moderate/high speed without slowing down to jog or walk  :'( it was one of the torturous rules whenever PE lessons involved the sprinting/running based excersises.

Other days of crosscountry around that time period of 2012-13 was 1: a clear cloudy day around springtime and one area of our tracks was extremely muddy to the point that it can pull off your shoe and you be running with mud on your sock or worse collapse! I was the one with a muddy sock but luckily managed to get my shoe out and make it to the grassy quality of the crosscountry track. 2: was a different track layout and was around the autumn 2012 where there was an oak tree ahead of me, I turn right and due to the light mud I slipped and collapsed on the ground!! managed to quickly get up but I was achy from the impact of the collapse!

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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #2 on: June 18, 2018, 06:53:21 AM » Author: suzukir122
I found most of my PE classes, specifically with Elementary school, hilarious. Hilarious altercations, yelling, screaming, and
competitive at times. When we didn't get something right, or if things went completely out of control, my PE teacher (Mr. Leatherwood)
would yell "mmGO BACK TO YOUR SQUATS." Mr. Leatherwood sounded A LOT like Billy Idol in the song Rebel Yell. He was also older, like
in his mid 50's, and he sounded like he was drunk (although he wasn't) with every single word he said. Then there was Mr. Butler (Mr. Butler
took the place of Mrs. Kinder, who passed away during a horrific incident) Mr. Butler was a tall, African American man, heavy set, and with
dread locks. He was definitely younger than Mr. Leatherwood, but much like Mr. Leatherwood, Mr. Butler would punish us as well if we
didn't get something right. When we were told to get "back to our squats," any fun game we were playing ends instantly, and we were forced
to sit down on the floor in orderly fashion with our legs crossed, to listen to the teachers lecture.
Anyways, one day we played a game called "Knock Out." This game involved two kids shooting hoop. (basketball) If one person successfully
scored a shot, their opponent loses, and they're "Knocked Out" of the game. Although we were all split into 3 separate groups, for
whatever reason, we were all too loud. Not only that, but one of the basketballs from another group interrupted our game. I picked up the
basketball and I walked over to that group. A couple kids, including my opponent yelled, "Hurry up!" I then heard my opponent mumble, "Man,
he gonna say go back to ya'll squats." My opponent was referring to Mr.Leatherwood, of course.
I gave the basketball back to a girl from the other group, and ran back to my group.
Mr. Leatherwood saw that and yelled, "AYE!" Everyone got quiet for about 7 seconds, and then Mr.Leatherwood yelled, "mmGO BACK TO YOUR SQUAATTS!"
All the kids yelled "Awwwwwwww!!" As that happened,  my opponent threw the basketball he was holding and yelled, "SEE?!"
A minute later, everyone was quiet as we sat down in orderly fashion, and listened to Mr.Leatherwood lecture us all until... the end of class.
Those were some of the better days, when I was a kid.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2018, 06:57:02 AM by suzukir122 » Logged

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #3 on: June 18, 2018, 10:14:12 AM » Author: F96T12 DD VHO
School is out for the summer and this is referring to last year and what will prolly happen this upcoming year
I really never liked PE in school or in general. I'm a HS Junior and I'm known around my school and the ones that like me are mainly girls and every time I get a PE class the male to female ratio is very uneven, and with my luck the female ratio is higher, there is 30 students in gym class there is like 10 males (me being one of the 10) and the remaining 20 are females

Lets get to the lessons now, the whole class runs the mile everyday and do some activities that change every week or so. Activities like soccer, dodgeball(my fave because the females always get beat bc they stay in one group), etc they are all fun except the mile everyday

Experiences in PE that don't have lessons:
I don't have a problem with a predominately female class it's just that after were done doing all of the activities the coaches planned for us we have "free time" which is basically a time where you get to do any physical activity or talk to each other while the coaches talk to each other. Every time we get free time which is almost everyday and I choose to sit down and go about on LG on my phone and within 5 or so mins there is one or two girls talking to me, then before I know it I'm surrounded by girls. I'm not mean to them I just barley talk and giggle many times, like they can't talk to the other males in there, they act like I'm the only male there

Few facts though:
The first girl or girls that pop up an talk to me I hangout on a day to day basis and I know really well, the rest that pop up I at least know or I begin to know them. I can get surrounded by at least, well... all of them. it is a good experience considering every gym class I take is my last class
It's like the girls have a power when we're in free time because when they are talking to me I'm somewhat paralyzed and don't want to move

Music Producer/Light Enthusiast


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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #4 on: June 19, 2018, 12:44:41 AM » Author: tolivac
Jr High-the best time was when we had Archery--yes-ARCHERY!!Don't think the schools would do that today.The targets were set on easel like devices.Sometimes when the arrow hit it the target and stand would fall over.So we would stop shooting and set it back up.Other times  we loved shooting arrows at the concrete block walls-would chip the wall and shatter the arrow!!The instructor-Mr. Parks would get upset but we would still have the archery part.Loved it!!!Other PE activities I HATED!!And funny--the class bully didn't bother ANYONE during archery!

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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #5 on: June 19, 2018, 07:40:14 AM » Author: suzukir122
@Tolivac,  :o... Dude... Archery?? Woah... no way would that have ever happened at my elementary, middle,
or high school. No way. haha... the most dangerous thing that we did was climb a rope. lol

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds
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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #6 on: June 19, 2018, 08:20:57 AM » Author: Flurofan96
OK then more stories to come!

Again 8 years ago back in the former secondary school I attended in Reading, around in May, I can't exactly remember whoat we were doing but it was probably rounders and what happened was at the post I landed on one of my knees and skid on the dry yellow grass (May was really like summertime for Reading in 2010) and that resulted in a pretty bad graze to the point blood dripped out and few drops landed on my white trainer! I asked the coach if I could be excused to wash it off and get it plastered but unfortunately, she didn't give a flip and said "it will be alright" so I had to wait until we had to get changed and before heading to the changing rooms, at the outdoor side entrance was a water fountain and a hosepipe tap which luckily was active, managing to wash off the blood enough to sanitize the graze as much as I could do. I couldn't obtain a plaster because I had none and the graze was healing enough with the scab formation!! It did sting throughout the day with the contact of my graphite grey trousers but I could take the enduration as long there was no risk of infection!

Fast forward to the summer of 2011 when I moved to the last school I attended which was near Basingstoke, we were playing dodgeball (my favourite) and at one point someone threw a ball at me accidentally and it hit my forehead full on with quite some force, in fact so strong that my forehead felt numb and I felt like as if I was going to faint or lose my memory  ;D :D OK the memory bit was a bit exxagerating but I had to actually get off the pitch and sit down with glass of water til I felt like I was well enough to restart!


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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #7 on: June 19, 2018, 11:11:13 AM » Author: F96T12 DD VHO
My school let's me do these "concerts" there since I'm a DJ

This will sometimes happen during gym class, now a HS Junior I hope it gets better.

When school was in the school let me do a performance in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL in the gym. The sets range between 20mins to 2 hours long. The school loves me and I have to play music that is not to explicit but can have some profanity in it. I play Electronic music and I own 6 Pioneer CDJs but when I'm throwing a concert at school I use a Pioneer CDJ that has a mixer and two decks all in one for easy transport. With all of this comes rehearsing and pre-planning the playlist weeks prior to the concert. The school provides me with some DMX lights but I have a simple DMX Stage set of my own all controlled by DMX controllers. There is a 2 lamp 8' striplight hanging behind me but above me to create a silhouette so you can barley see my face, but everyone knows it's already me.

I will also do this during prep rallies too

Sounds unbelievable but it's true
« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 11:17:47 AM by F96T12 DD VHO » Logged

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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #8 on: June 19, 2018, 03:12:56 PM » Author: CEB1993
I remember when I was in middle school, I experienced an electric shock for the first time ever in my gym class.  When I went to open my locker to get my gym clothes out, I felt a strong, pulsing surge of energy travel up my arm and give my whole body a jolt.  I looked more closely, and there was a loose wire from an outlet on the wall above the lockers.  My entire set of metal lockers was transmitting electricity from the outlet.  Of course the other guys were yelling and freaking out when they got shocked, and the next day the custodian had come in to cut the wire and cover it with a panel.  I now associate getting shocked with my locker in my gym class years ago. 

Philips DuraMax and GE Miser forever!  Classic incandescents are the best incandescents!

Stop the lamp bans!


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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #9 on: June 20, 2018, 07:41:00 AM » Author: suzukir122
@CEB1993... woaaaahhhh... yeah if you ended up getting seriously injured because of that, I'm pretty sure
the school could've gotten in A LOT of unforgettable trouble.
@F96T12 DD VHO, making beats, Hip Hop/R&B, and electronic music is my forte. Big time. Someday I'd like to see what
you've got to offer... if you're a DJ, or a future music producer. R&B singing is also my forte as well.

Ok, so here's another quick story about an event that happened in my PE class. Much like my previous story,
this was also in elementary school. We were playing some game of basketball (might've been a regular game) when all of the sudden,
someone (I forget who) threw a basketball and HIT ONE OF THE LIGHTS. Back then of course, we used Metal Halide. It swayed, but no
damage was done despite the high amount of force that light took... however... the light went from it's regular slightly
blue color to very orange. It stayed that way for a while before turning back blue.
Oh and by the way... we all got in trouble because of that throw, and we were all forced to sit down for another teacher lecture.

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds
4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs
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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #10 on: June 20, 2018, 01:27:35 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
I got hit in the nuts a few times by hockey pucks back in middle school because some girl was being a dickhead.. I did not fall.. They thought they could make me fall.. Dumb b**** got a hockey puck launched at high speed straight into her tit... She most definitely fell lmfaooo.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 01:29:26 PM by HomeBrewLamps » Logged


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:


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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #11 on: June 20, 2018, 01:30:43 PM » Author: F96T12 DD VHO
I got hit in the nuts a few times by hockey pucks back in middle school because some girl was being a dickhead.. I did not fall.. They thought they could make me fall.. Dumb b**** got a hockey puck launched at high speed straight into her tit... She most definitely fell lmfaooo.
LOL good story

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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #12 on: June 20, 2018, 07:16:04 PM » Author: Lightingguy1994
Indoor soccer in the gym in highschool and I kicked the ball right up into the light and caused one of the tubes to fall out of its sockets but there was a metal guard over it so it didn't fall. Lights were F40T12 , two bulbs per fixture and they were on stems in rows. They looked like some sort of wrap fixture but instead of the regular cover, it had a metal guard instead. Many lamps were EOL because that building was due for demolition anyway.

Another time during some thing where we each had a basket ball I guess to practice dripping and throwing, I was minding my business and a random ball hit my head by surprise. All was good though.

Another time we had to do pushups but hold ourselves up for a certain time. I was overweight at the time and my friends didn't think I could hold myself up for over a minute, I bet them $10 I could and I did so I made $10.

All these stories in the highschool gym


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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #13 on: June 20, 2018, 08:03:30 PM » Author: suzukir122
@Lightingguy1994... you had F40T12's in use at your gym? In high school??
With me, we had Metal Halides, but later on replaced with T5 fixtures.

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds
4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs
Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend


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Re: Your experience stories regarding to school PE/Games lessons « Reply #14 on: June 20, 2018, 08:31:58 PM » Author: Lightingguy1994
Yup there was many rows of them, but the gym did also have windows. Sadly that school section was demolished years ago
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