Author Topic: Is it possible to buy leased property? (specifically commercial property)  (Read 2193 times)

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Is it possible to buy leased property? (specifically commercial property) « on: January 06, 2018, 09:29:33 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
Alright from what I read.. Leasing costs more in the long term, so my idea was "Hey what if we ended up purchasing the property?", But I have not a clue if thats possible with a lease, I know such thing as a lease purchase contract exists but what if it is only your everyday lease contract? Oh yeah, BTW, reason this question pops up (and i shoulda probably said this first) But my friends and I were thinking of pooling resources to start a grow operation, growing things like vegetables, fruits and yes, weed and other medicinal plants... however we are kinda in the beginning stages of all of this, 20000sqft would probably be a good starting point and this place has 25000sqft However if/when the business grows, we would likely end up taking more and more of that facility, and the lease would add up if we wished to remain there long term... Perhaps I'm thinking too hard or too quick.. but This is what draws my concern at the moment...  we also have our eyes on that factory I like to go into, it is quite beat up, but we're figuring it might be at an obtainable price, and the structure seems sound enough, it just needs to have a few walls repaired and needs new wiring (which I could do once I get my journeyman.. However I cannot seem to find any listing anywhere... thinking of contacting a nearby business or perhaps the city for info on the property...


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:


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Re: Is it possible to buy leased property? (specifically commercial property) « Reply #1 on: January 06, 2018, 09:53:28 PM » Author: xmaslightguy
Pretty much just like a rental house or anything else:
Only if the owner wishes to sell it.

There is a way you can go into city/county records and find out who owns the property (and depending on where it is & how advanced they are, that info may or may not be online)

It pretty much goes without saying...but if you're going to consider buying, you'd want to hire an inspector (one who knows commercial/industrial properties! not residential!) to check the place out first..

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