Author Topic: Suspicion about recent events... (Net-Neutrality, Disney buying out FOX)  (Read 2477 times)

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Suspicion about recent events... (Net-Neutrality, Disney buying out FOX) « on: December 15, 2017, 09:22:36 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
(Note to administrators: I will not give you trouble if you consider this a political post and warn,lock or delete it.. reason i say this is because I'm not sure if its entirely considered "political" So I figured I'd post and see what happens, as I'm curious of others opinions here...)


Does anyone here find it a tad bit suspicious that Disney buys out FOX right around the same time Net-Neutrality is being destroyed?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2017, 09:25:20 PM by HomeBrewLamps » Logged


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:


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Re: Suspicion about recent events... (Net-Neutrality, Disney buying out FOX) « Reply #1 on: December 15, 2017, 11:59:52 PM » Author: 589
AFAIK "net neutrality" never really happened its just official now that it is "over". I don't have any knowledge of them ever enforcing any of those "rules". The business end of net non-neutrality is going to happen between FB, google, amazon, Netflix, etc. along with internet providers and IP holders. No big deal just typical power grab stuff, we will get over it or figure a way around it at some point.

As far as Disney and FOX merging? probably the same thing for Turner and ATT, or comcast and NBC. Just trying to survive in an atmosphere where people increasingly could give a rip about traditional media outlets. For me I don't really watch TV anymore anyway, best thing on I can see with the bunny ears (when I watch tv at all) is Alaska state troopers. those guys(and girls) are legit!


Re: Suspicion about recent events... (Net-Neutrality, Disney buying out FOX) « Reply #2 on: December 16, 2017, 12:57:34 AM » Author: Aveoguy22
N-N was only around since 2015, im not really worried.  i suppose those on comcast or Verizon may have reason to be.  its not like these rules were in affect for 15 years or anything.  the internet is much as it was in 2015, and it was just fine then, right?

besides, it still has to go thru the court to actually be official.

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Re: Suspicion about recent events... (Net-Neutrality, Disney buying out FOX) « Reply #3 on: December 16, 2017, 03:23:05 AM » Author: Ash
Take as example 2 applications of the internet we are familiar with :

Website browsing
Sends traffic momentarily when you click through a link, and you expect it to work fast (website loads quickly) and reliably (no missing pictures, stylesheets, ..). All the rest of the time, which is 99% of the time, your connection is doing nothing

Several computers browsing websites can share a connection (with its bandwidth limit), and they normally won't notice the net becoming any slower (unless 2 of them click a link exactly at the same time. But the network is still more capable than that, so it takes more than 2 clicking a link at the same time to have any noticable effect, but then the chances of higher number of computer clicking a link at the same time goes down dramatically even when the number of connected computers goes up). This enables ISPs to offer, and for the most part successfully provide, service to big number of users even though their network isn't capable of serving them all in the same second

File sharing
Sends traffic all the time, and lots of it. lets say at a constant speed

Several computers sharing a connection will immediately notice each other's effects, as the bandwidth splits between them (equally or not is another question)

Lets say that we have a 10 Mbit/sec network connection. We go into some website where every page is ~10 Mbit (1.2MB) in size (including the pictures, stylesheets and so on). It will take 1 sec to load the website

Now we connect 100 PCs to this network, all browsing websites. Most of the time they still will load pages in 1 sec, occasionally (when 2 clicked a link at the same time) 2 sec, increasingly rarely 3 sec or more. Still very good

Now we add 10 PCs doing file sharing. Lets say the traffic splits equally, then each will be getting 10 / 10 = 1 Mbit/sec

And now one of the 100 PCs clicks a link. At this moment each PC gets 10 / 11 = 0.91 Mbit/sec. It will take 11 sec to load a website. 10 PCs doing file sharing ruined it for everyone else

Now we apply a rule at the network gateway : Packets for website browsing always have right of way over packets for file sharing. When many packets have to pass, all file sharing packets will wait untill all website browsing packets passed

This rule restored proper service for the website browsing PCs, and had only marginal effect on the file sharing

That is how traffic shaping - one of the non net neutral practices - works for the benefit of the internet as a whole

Problem is, that there are many other things that are "ok to do" once no law prevents it (well, some of them are done anyway, but once ISP's know it won't end up in court, they can get more naughty)

Examples include throttling (or throttling to a halt, so effectively blocking) anything they want, making unreliable connection to stuff they want peeps stop using, and so on.

They dont like Lighting Gallery ? Make it not load, or load slow, or drop pictures or a stylesheet (makes the website look incomplete) every once in a while

They dont like encrypted traffic ? Make that slow or drop it too. Unless it is to an "allowed" entity such as a bank

There may come a day, when there is a whitelist of "allowed for everyone" websites (companies will have to pay a fee to stay on it) and "basic home user" subscribers won't have access to anything else - so to access something like Lighting Gallery or somebody's private blog you have to have a special account. Maybe there will be also other requirements (other than bigger money) to have such account

That is where things can potentially get dark

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Re: Suspicion about recent events... (Net-Neutrality, Disney buying out FOX) « Reply #4 on: December 16, 2017, 02:21:45 PM » Author: Lodge
Ash if they drop or slow packets, the packet types just change into time sensitive packets and flood the network, packet forgery is not that hard to complete, and it will slow everything else down so they need to be careful what they wish for, if there is a work around people will find it and abuse it, and just out of principal someone will make it public and from there it will explode.. And if places like China and there great fire wall have a tough time dealing with The Onion Router (TOR) it will only end up affecting the less technically inclined users...

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Re: Suspicion about recent events... (Net-Neutrality, Disney buying out FOX) « Reply #5 on: December 17, 2017, 04:40:45 PM » Author: Ash
The less inclined users make up most of the decision makers in all tiers

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Re: Suspicion about recent events... (Net-Neutrality, Disney buying out FOX) « Reply #6 on: December 17, 2017, 05:02:48 PM » Author: Lodge
The less inclined users make up most of the decision makers in all tiers

And they are the ones who will click the yes to the update on there torrent down-loader and have the decision made by someone who is more technically inclined, they did it back in 2008 when p2p tcp traffic got throttled by the ISP and they switched it over to udp the ISP can only do so much deep packet inspections before they also get bogged down and the other services using the same protocol start to suffer, including there paid services, if it was made by the hands of man it will be broke by those same hands, no matter what they try and do to secure it..
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