If you had to make a guess, how many such potential customers would you say we could have? I think that is ver very small number of people who want to have more genuine vintage appearance without getting real sox lantern and real lamp, and even with those wanting a real lantern most of would be collectors and enthusiast like us. The run up show is for most of the people thing that they dont care or may watch it maybe once. I would estimate only sale of few hundreds, if we are very lucky. More realisticly I would say selling even hundred would be hard.
What comes to high efficiency on higher wattage, I don't know if there is much demand ecxept those few legacy installations. Big sox lamps are nightmare in point of optics design.
And I'm still skeptic about that pl-t/c base able to support much heavier sox lamp. The lantern itself would need at least a support.
Also, what comes for those electronic ballast, wasn't there something about running LPS with hf ballast?
Whether this is a problem or not, depends on whether the production can be scaled down to match it (and hopefully, scaling down also the size of involved machinery as much as possible, e.g. taking a smaller slower machine if there is a choice for some production stage, or even taking the tools off an existing machine and assembling them on a new compact rig). This can be better evaluated after we have seen the machines
It might be possible to strike interest in people who were not interested before, if presenting the lamp (or a complete lamp+luminaire kit) in a way attractive to them. This may be by presenting the energy efficiency, fog penetration, eco friendly aspects of the lamp, or by presenting the lamp along with its features as an artistic design component
The run up process can possibly be paused or reversed by dimming the lamp (using suitable gear), and this opens even more ways in which the lamp could be presented for artistic design value
Big SOX lamps are a nightmare for road luminaire design, but road luminaires have optical requirements very different than virtually all other luminaires. Indeed, HID works far better for roads
Big SOX would work far better for floodlighting in e.g. wall mounted luminaires or luminaires similar to a Fluorescent weather pack, since there is no need to fight against the optical properties of the big lamp
Medium SOX would also work for area lighting posttop and similar outdoor luminaires, where the "everywhere" light distribution is okay. (In many such applications, some of the PL and LED luminaires which replaced the SOX ones have largely similar distribution anyway)
The SOX lamp is indeed heavier than a PL-T (the smallest SOX 18W weights 150g, while the biggest PL-T weights 100g)
- The G24 base might be capable of handling safely the additional 50g depending on the burning position (for example, for a horizontal lamp setup, where the force acts on solid Plastic parts and not in the direction of pulling the lamp out)
- The lantern designed for the SOX can be equipped with a support. The presence of the support would not prevent using a PL-T in the same lantern (the support can be designed so it does not interfere with the PL-T, or it may be positioned further from the socket so the shorter PL-T lamp does not reach it)
HID lamps cannot run at high frequency. The reason is, that the wavelength of the sound wave in the arctube atmosphere, for the frequency at which the lamp is powered, is of the same order as the arctube length, which can cause a standing wave to appear. A standing wave would push the arc towards the arctube wall in certain spots, overheating it in a concentrated way in those spots
SOX is not really a HID lamp, it is much more like a Sodium CFL of all things. The longer arctube and the diffused (not concentrated into a thin arc) discharge mean, that the effects making a problem in HID cannot happen in SOX. SOX benefit from running on HF the same way as Fluorescents do
I also really like SOX lamps, and I'm starting to collect as many as I can lay my hands on, but about ending the comments, I find it interesting it see them and the knowledge you can gain from some of the members on this forum who are pretty passionate about lighting, and have literally put hours of work into coming up with them, so I wouldn't stop commenting, but would keep the commenting positive and that's not saying there plans will happen and hamilton will stay open, and that's also not saying you can't challenge there idea's, they might actually end up with a valid plan even if it's small scale...
The only option is going small scale. The question of interest is whether and how this could be done