Author Topic: Who loves or/and struggles with Shakespeare?  (Read 2192 times)

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Who loves or/and struggles with Shakespeare? « on: August 25, 2017, 07:07:12 AM » Author: Flurofan96
Hi all  :)

Recently I've watched a film called Shakespeare in Love and it was such an interesting film but it was very hard for me to follow because the English used for the film's script was the Elizabethan era. Also 5 years ago when I was still in school halfway on my first GCSE year, I had to watch the Merchant of Venice (2004) film as part of studying the Shakespeare play for my English Literature GCSE course. It was hard reading the handouts and the script book of the play itself as I had to see what the story was behind the Elizabethan era English and for the exam I had to write a 1000 word essay on a particular topic of the play which was not easy but at the exam stage, I understood what was required of the question! Watching the film adaptation did help me piece the story together as I am a visual learner. I got a decent mark but it was close to the borderline of a pass mark but thankfully I didn't had to retake it (although I was offered) but considering subject being on Shakespeare I wanted to run away from it with the decent mark and onto the next story of English literature! Fact is that if you take the entire English Lit class members, less than half or lets say even 5% love/enjoy learning Shakespeare whereas the 95% just are like when I'm done I will never pick it up again. I was the 95% lot of the class members and perfectly understand so because it is the language barrier and you can rarely enjoy a story/poem or play if you find it hard to follow because of so! Shakespeare no doubt wrote lots of fantastic plays/sonnets and poems on romance, comedy, tragedies and historical stories and is such a pity that I struggle to follow with the Elizabethan English.

Flurofan96  :)

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Re: Who loves or/and struggles with Shakespeare? « Reply #1 on: August 26, 2017, 11:35:57 PM » Author: CEB1993
There is a series of books called No Fear Shakespeare that contain the original prose from the plays and stories on odd pages and the modern English translation on the even pages.  It's a great way to experience Shakespeare's beautiful writing while being able to understand with a side-by-side translation. I really like most of Shakespeare's works and it's really cool how so many of today's movies are inspired by his original story lines. I struggle with the old English too, but it's nice that there are many study resources available for anyone who needs help with interpreting the stories and language. Good luck with your future Shakespeare studies!

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