Author Topic: Heads up: Work evaluations are approaching and will cause a LONG hiatus  (Read 3802 times)

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Heads up: Work evaluations are approaching and will cause a LONG hiatus « on: July 01, 2008, 11:02:26 PM » Author: tpirman1982
Just a quick heads up, guys.
Starting July 7, I'm going in for 8 intensive weeks of work evaluations for a new job.
During this time, there will be no more trips to Hyde Park in Boston.
The evaluations are from 8:45am til 3:00pm. And so I won't have time for representing this site or my website.
Even when I do get out of evaluations at 3:00pm, it'll still be too late to
catch a train to Hyde Park. I can't do that from the time I get out of evaluations
til 8:00pm at night. Daytime pics are supposed to be taken from morning to afternoon.
The evaluations end around August 25. Until then, I will be closing the picture pages of my website on July 7.
The closures are because there won't be any new pics until I get out of work evaluations,
which will make it extremely difficult for my website and my galleries here on However, the only way I can still continue traveling before August 25 is if the weather is clear and sunny on Sundays. But please don't get your hopes up. 'Cause in the Boston area of Massachusetts, the weather is always cloudy or rainy on Sundays. Which is very bad for my website. I never get any sunny days on Sundays anymore. I just can't seem to get to Hyde Park on Sundays anymore. The picture pages of my website will remain open for your viewing pleasure while I'm at evaluations. The pics in my galleries here on will stay.
Once the evaluations are over, depending on the weather on Sundays and how many weekly trips I missed for work evaluations, I will have to catch up on those missed trips many days in September. The first sunny day of each week in September will be the regular trip, the other sunny days after that will be the make-up trips. There will be a lot of catch-up trips, depending on how many clear and sunny days a week I get. And that means I'll be going to Boston more than one day a week, provided I catch up on all the trips I missed by the time evaluations end.

Also, Tuesday, July 29, my website is supposed to be celebrating its 2-year anniversary.
The anniversary celebration will be delayed until I get out of evaluations.
However, if it's clear an sunny on Sunday, July 27, 2008, the celebration will happen then.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Stay tuned for further details.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 05:39:14 PM by tpirman1982 » Logged

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