Is it possible to overdrive the lamp just enough to avoid this problem without running into something else ?
Then just after the peak current the electrode would be way too hot.
The main problem here is, the thermal inertia of the electrodes is too low to ensure stable temperature: During the peak it overheats and after the valley it cools down too much, all with the single lamp on a single ballast just running in front of you.
The only remedy here is either to even out the heat generation during the supply current cycle (the square wave means constant heating with very small gaps), increase the frequency (so to reduce the temperature "ripple", so the difference between the hottest and coldest state) and/or to make the electrode heavier (so to have higher inertia)
The first two are the way, how the electronic ballast solves the problem, the last would mean the electrode would have larger surface as well, so need higher power to keep it on the required temperature. That means you would have at least higher electrode losses, but that means lower efficacy, so something these designs want to address as their first objective.
You may look at it as the electrode mass serving as a kind of filter, the only thing that makes the difference between the hottest and coldest temperature during the cycle low enough to fit between the minimum emission level on the cold side and the excessive evaporation temperature on the hot end.