Author Topic: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop!  (Read 11070 times)

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JGriff021985 JMG717
LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « on: June 06, 2017, 04:38:34 PM » Author: M250R201SA
I replied this in another topic:
Today, I went into an electrical supply store and the lady was HELLBENT on trying to sell me the LED equivalent of a 175w MV Yardblaster.  Everything she tried, I countered it.  Told her some MV lamps have lasted over 30 years, MV and even HPS have a softer glow and isn't so harsh on the eyes at night.  She eventually realized she wasn't going to win.  Especially by lying to a savvy fellow like myself.  She said she sold dozens of an LED wallpack a week.  So I asked why the ones on the shelf were covered in dust?  She had to think for a few seconds before telling me that those are displays and the ones she actually sold were in the back.  I went in there trying to find out the cost of an AEL 115, and all I got was LED spit at me.  Never did get a price on the AEL 115 because her computer showed that the item had been discontinued from their stock and not to order anymore.  When she tried, it wouldn't let her.  I told her to let her manager know that he just lost a potential customer.  NOBODY is going to tell me what kind of lights to buy.  She didn't have any Flourescent or HID in stock (lamps could be ordered but would take 3-4 weeks to get in)  the ONLY lighting in that store was LED.  Made me very 😡

However, what I did not mention was the brand.  Until today, I had never heard of Atlas lighting.  The saleswoman  SWORE by the brand by saying it has a 5 year warranty, if it breaks, bring it back and they will replace it or refund my money, but as was said in a previous topic, when a lamp goes out, I just wanna unscrew the old lamp, and install the new lamp.  I don't wanna have to disconnect power, dismount the fixture, mount a whole new fixture and all that jazz.  Especially if its $202.00.  What if the fixture, (designed for 70,000 hours) goes out a month after 5 years.  Why in the (...) would I wanna drop another $200.00 when I used to be able to drop $10.00 at Walmart for a new 175w MV lamp, or $30.00 for a new yardblaster fixture.  Point being, I walked out of the store A) with more questions than I had when I walked in, and B) Empty handed (but still with a wad of cash)

I told her that because of the fact that when LED does go out, you have to buy a whole new fixture, I told her if the day should arrive where I am forced to spend an exorbitant amount of money on LED, I am going to buy several candles and live like Thomas Jefferson.  Thomas Edison has rolled over in his grave so much since LEDZombieDisease has struck, he is probably halfway to Albuquerque.

The picture is what she tried to sell me for $200.00
« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 04:40:19 PM by M250R201SA » Logged

"I know a thing or two about a thing or two...  I sure do."


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Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #1 on: June 06, 2017, 10:12:42 PM » Author: RyanF40T12
Get used to it my friend. 

The more you hate the LED movement, the stronger it becomes.


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Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #2 on: June 06, 2017, 10:42:50 PM » Author: Lumex120
So I assume this means you never got the price for the 400w 115? Either way, sorry to hear that your local store has gone to the dogs.  :(

Unofficial LG Discord


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Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #3 on: June 06, 2017, 10:44:52 PM » Author: BlueHalide
Whoa, an electrical supply warehouse with no fluorescent or HID lamps in stock??? What place is this? All the chains around here (Graybar, Crescent etc..) still have pretty much everything that is still available, heck I picked up a case of Philips 250w mercury vapor lamps from Graybar the other day and the guy told me they are still a regular stock item. If one of these businesses decided to stop selling lets say, only fluorescent lamps they would be struggling to stay in business, LED is popular but still not nearly as widely used as fluorescent. It seems every time im at Graybar or Crescent either myself or other contractors are buying several cases of F32T8's for jobs.

Also, just an FWI, NEVER pay $200 for that light you have pictured, that is super overpriced. That same light ive seen at Crescent for $129.00.

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Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #4 on: June 06, 2017, 11:56:39 PM » Author: Lumex120
Whoa, an electrical supply warehouse with no fluorescent or HID lamps in stock??? What place is this? All the chains around here (Graybar, Crescent etc..) still have pretty much everything that is still available, heck I picked up a case of Philips 250w mercury vapor lamps from Graybar the other day and the guy told me they are still a regular stock item. If one of these businesses decided to stop selling lets say, only fluorescent lamps they would be struggling to stay in business, LED is popular but still not nearly as widely used as fluorescent. It seems every time im at Graybar or Crescent either myself or other contractors are buying several cases of F32T8's for jobs.

Also, just an FWI, NEVER pay $200 for that light you have pictured, that is super overpriced. That same light ive seen at Crescent for $129.00.
Even $129 is way too much for that piece of scrap metal. Also, they are nowhere near as bright as a new 175w /DX mercury vapor. Maybe an old dimmed out one, but I have seen them side by side and the mercury vapor lit up a huge area while the LED lit up a small area underneath it.

Unofficial LG Discord


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Rory Mercury!

Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #5 on: June 07, 2017, 12:09:45 AM » Author: FGS
Atlas lighting. That's a store I haven't seen in years! Last one u went to was in 2007 or 2008. On my quest for old lamps before I knew such a place wouldn't have anything of the sort. Didn't know what ReStore was then. No MV available only MHs, HPS and PSMHs. I think CFLs too. The plug in ones.

EVERY companies has such an employee here and there. One ReStore has a woman that wanted to charge full price for a used halogen bulb. Another ReStore went "50 cents and it's yours." (Both stores involved bulbs without any price stickers on them.)

Why I like LEDs on top of other lighting tech?
LEDs = Upgrade 95% of the applications. (That is if you avoid eBay's LEDs).

LED brainwash? No, people uses them cuz they work well for them.


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Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #6 on: June 07, 2017, 12:26:08 AM » Author: BlueHalide
I agree @lumex120 those "LED area lights" have a terrible spread when compared to the traditional HID version, I too have seen these in operation, and  even with that "refractor" they still are more of a spotlight with bright light directly under it, and an almost complete absence of light outside a 30' diameter, of course an increased mounting height improves the spread, but then the light on the ground is too little. 

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JGriff021985 JMG717
Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #7 on: June 07, 2017, 12:08:18 PM » Author: M250R201SA
Get used to it my friend. 

But I don't wanna!!! 😭 Lol! 😂

Lumex120, that is correct.  I live in a relatively small community, so the only distributor locally that sells HID and has them in stock is Winlectric in Carterville, IL.  But they only order GE Lighting fixtures and Sylvania lamps.  So I could easily get multiple 201SAs, M400R3s, and the manager/owner said he might could still order the M250R2, but it would take 4-6 weeks to get whereas he can have an M400R3 within 7-10 business days.  He gets his HID stock from Rafferty Lighting in St. Louis, MO who also is the distributor to Ameren Illinois, Mt. Vernon/Marion, IL operations centers. 

Ameren Illinois has started replacing old M250R2s not with new M250R2s, but with M400R3s.  Having one model of cobrahead frees up space in their warehouses by having one fixture with a variety of wattages (50-400w).  The owner of Winlectric told me that he believes the M250R2 is in the process of being phased out in favor of Evolve LEDs and M400R3s.  He can still order them, it just takes a while to get them.  The motive is simplicity itself.  One model of Cobrahead, multiple watts, and voltages (120-277, 347, 480) instead of 2 models of cobrahead and several different voltages.

"I know a thing or two about a thing or two...  I sure do."


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Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #8 on: June 07, 2017, 12:54:48 PM » Author: Lumex120

Ameren Illinois has started replacing old M250R2s not with new M250R2s, but with M400R3s.  Having one model of cobrahead frees up space in their warehouses by having one fixture with a variety of wattages (50-400w).  The owner of Winlectric told me that he believes the M250R2 is in the process of being phased out in favor of Evolve LEDs and M400R3s.  He can still order them, it just takes a while to get them.  The motive is simplicity itself.  One model of Cobrahead, multiple watts, and voltages (120-277, 347, 480) instead of 2 models of cobrahead and several different voltages.
50w M400's? Wow. A few days ago I saw some 150w HPS FCO M400R3's somewhere in Wisconsin. I wonder how much it would cost to order one in that configuration...

Unofficial LG Discord


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JGriff021985 JMG717
Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #9 on: June 08, 2017, 12:37:46 PM » Author: M250R201SA
While not currently common since the M250R2 IS still currently produced as ordered, I can see it happening soon.  Ameren just uses the Bucket lights for 100w, and M400R3 for higher wattages

"I know a thing or two about a thing or two...  I sure do."


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Down with lamp bans!

GoL the.baus.of.all.bauses UCDl2EWWZc9h1IZXcfGU9OZA nicksfans
Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #10 on: June 08, 2017, 07:39:32 PM » Author: nicksfans
$200 is way too much for that light. Also, FGS, I know what you mean about crazy ReStore pricing. One guy tried to charge me $5 for a used Sylvania 300w incandescent because it was "basically the same" as the NOS Sylvania 175w MV lamps I was also buying at $5 each. I explained the difference in simple terms and still ended up paying $3 for the incandescent. Oh well, can't complain too much; it's a good cause.

I like my lamps thick, my ballasts heavy, and my fixtures tough.

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Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #11 on: June 08, 2017, 07:47:24 PM » Author: wattMaster
A 100 percent LED electrical supply store? :o

SLS! (Stop LED Streetlights!)


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18W Goldeye / 52W R&C LED front door lighting

Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #12 on: June 08, 2017, 10:43:41 PM » Author: Lodge
A 100 percent LED electrical supply store? :o

Strange, all the places I go sell anything that your willing to buy, they only seem to care about the markup they take home and they don't care if you buy Edison carbon lights so long as they can source them, mark them up, and you pay your bill...

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Rory Mercury!

Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #13 on: June 09, 2017, 12:20:00 AM » Author: FGS
Strange, all the places I go sell anything that your willing to buy, they only seem to care about the markup they take home and they don't care if you buy Edison carbon lights so long as they can source them, mark them up, and you pay your bill...

If you manage to find a place that sources Edison'a 1890s original bulbs. You'll be super rich trading/selling those here. :o :D Both in collection pieces AND money!

Why I like LEDs on top of other lighting tech?
LEDs = Upgrade 95% of the applications. (That is if you avoid eBay's LEDs).

LED brainwash? No, people uses them cuz they work well for them.


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18W Goldeye / 52W R&C LED front door lighting

Re: LEDisease turns into a nasty Virus at local Electric supply shop! « Reply #14 on: June 09, 2017, 12:46:07 AM » Author: Lodge
If you manage to find a place that sources Edison'a 1890s original bulbs. You'll be super rich trading/selling those here. :o :D Both in collection pieces AND money!

If I got my hands on one I'd more then likely donate it to a museum for others to see, they are pretty rare, but if you have the money they have the time, they don't push the next best thing to come along they sell what you want to buy, except single short arc xenon tubes (my guess is they don't want to get stuck with the rest of the case for the next two decades, but then again neither do I)
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