Author Topic: update this site omg  (Read 18023 times)

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Re: update this site omg « Reply #60 on: April 04, 2020, 05:10:50 PM » Author: Lightingguy1994
Dark mode would be kinda nice to have, but as it is the colors are fine to me (though if there was a dark theme, I'd always use it instead of the light one).

Your computer is infected with a vile piece of spyware...called chrome. :lol: u might want go about eradicating it...

LOL  Im sure it does track info, but unfortunately no other browser suits my needs quite as well. I even have MS paint extension on it which gives me the classic MS paint in my browser. Plus its taking my 100 tabs which some are months old very well. I got 16GB of ram in this mac mini :poof: :lol:
« Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 05:24:35 PM by Lightingguy1994 » Logged
Re: update this site omg « Reply #61 on: April 04, 2020, 05:32:07 PM » Author: sox35
LOL  Im sure it does track info, but unfortunately no other browser suits my needs quite as well. I even have MS paint extension on it which gives me the classic MS paint in my browser. Plus its taking my 100 tabs which some are months old very well. I got 16GB of ram in this mac mini :poof: :lol:
There's your other problem, you're using a Mac  :P :D :lol:

Firefox under Linux here. 100 tabs  @-@  What on earth do you want that many for..? Don't think I ever use more than 7 or 8 here.

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Re: update this site omg « Reply #62 on: April 04, 2020, 05:38:06 PM » Author: Lightingguy1994
There's your other problem, you're using a Mac  :P :D :lol:

Firefox under Linux here. 100 tabs  @-@  What on earth do you want that many for..? Don't think I ever use more than 7 or 8 here.

I find the mac system much better than windows 10, I cant stand the constant nagging for updates on windows. I know linux is good too but I cant always make my programs work on it as well.

Lol yeah I have no idea, most are youtube links I dont want to lose and theres alot of ebay items i keep open to keep an eye on the items. It really is a problem I have  :lol: I used to do this on windows and it would crash often because it doesn't like being put to sleep every night with a load of tabs like this, mac actually handles it very well and lets me reopen my last state when i do restart.
Re: update this site omg « Reply #63 on: April 05, 2020, 11:30:39 AM » Author: sox35
With Linux, it depends what you're doing. For general day to day use, such as web browsing, email, office work etc. it's fine. There are some programs that don't have Linux equivalents, mostly games, but I don't play those. I do have a couple of programs that need Windows, and for those I have a spare machine with Win10 on it for the rare occasions I need to use them, maybe two or three times a year. I too do not like the way Win10 looks as standard, so I have customised it very heavily and it now looks as close to Win7 as I can get it. It does most of its updates in the background, and doesn't prompt all that often.

That's one of the things I love about the version of Linux we use here (Fedora). It has an update utility that does prompt sometimes, but the beauty of the system is that it updates everything you have on the machine - OS, browser, office applications, you name it. If it's installed, the system will check for updates to  it daily. It also doesn't need a virus checker, as there are very few if any out there for Linux in the wild and those that do get out are very quickly found and dealt with. Just wish the same could be done with the current situation, although I won't say any more on that here.

The other good thing about Linux is that it's FREE  ;D

Oh yes, restarting with your tabs intact. Firefox does that.

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Re: update this site omg « Reply #64 on: April 05, 2020, 01:40:14 PM » Author: Attfreakk
I think it looks great! I just wish it a was a lil faster tho

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Re: update this site omg « Reply #65 on: April 05, 2020, 03:20:45 PM » Author: Ash
The case for missing programs is opposite. It's Windows where things are missing or don't work right (nagging, forcing updates, and spying all also count under not working right), whereas all essential tools come as standard or commonly available under Linux and work properly. The programs that are missing under Linux are becoming more of an exception with every day that passes

For some of the mentioned programs i use :

Browser - Otter Browser, the most lightweight and consistently working browser i have found, without relying on Chromium engine

Paint - Kolourpaint (comes with KDE applications), Lightingguy if you liked the Paint of Windows XP then you will admire Kolourpaint

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Re: update this site omg « Reply #66 on: April 05, 2020, 09:38:26 PM » Author: suzukir122
I use Windows 10, with a Windows laptop. I've used Windows for years and years. To me, Mac, BY FAR, is much, much better than Windows.
However... I'm making plans on someday achieving the best of both worlds. Mac, and Windows. Mac laptop, Windows laptop.
Between the two, Mac suits my needs far more than Windows... and I learned that within the very short time I had my Macbook Pro back
in 2012.
But yeah, the website is awesome as is, and has been awesome since 2010. Simple, not complex. Easy to find things without mixed search
results... unlike YouTube.

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds
4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs
Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend

Mandolin Girl
Re: update this site omg « Reply #67 on: April 06, 2020, 08:48:56 AM » Author: Mandolin Girl
Macs are ok if you like them I suppose, but their primary problem is Apple's policy of not allowing independent repair. If they break, you are supposed to return them to Apple who will, 9 times out of 10, charge you a fortune for repair, if they repair them at all. Very often they will declare the thing broken beyond repair and make you buy a new one. And with SSD's being soldered onto the motherboard that means you've lost all your data, unless you've made a backup  @-@ :curse: >:(

There's a guy in New York called Louis Rossmann who has a Youtube channel where he does board level repairs and also bitches quite loudly on this subject, he's well worth a look, see here.

We'll stick with our Dell laptops (for which parts are easily and cheaply available) and Linux.
Mandolin Girl
Re: update this site omg « Reply #68 on: April 06, 2020, 11:14:10 AM » Author: Mandolin Girl

We'll stick with our Dell laptops (for which parts are easily and cheaply available) and Linux.

The main company that sells the spares is this one. Based in the same city as Dell's corporate headquarters.  :)

Quite different from how Apple operate...  :curse:

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Re: update this site omg « Reply #69 on: April 06, 2020, 11:15:26 AM » Author: Lightingguy1994
Ahh yes i watch Louis regularly, i enjoyed his recent videos about moving to a new store and the problem with most landlord's in New York

It is rather unfortunate that apple limits ones ability to repair their machine. They used to be very service friendly back in the day. This is the main reason im using a 2012 Mac Mini and 2012 Macbook Pro. The ram and hard drives are removable. I have Sata SSDs put in both and they run nice for older machines

Honestly as for LG the intoduction of dark mode is really all thats needed and self refreshing whos online feature. But one day the sites software will have to be updated regardless and that will make some change but im OK with that and can get used to it. I'm not going to give up on this community over a few site changes lol.

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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)

Re: update this site omg « Reply #70 on: April 06, 2020, 11:42:10 AM » Author: xmaslightguy
Quote from: Lightingguy1994
LOL  Im sure it does track info, but unfortunately no other browser suits my needs quite as well. I even have MS paint extension on it which gives me the classic MS paint in my browser. Plus its taking my 100 tabs which some are months old very well. I got 16GB of ram in this mac mini :poof: :lol:
Yep its a known fact that it does spy/track you & send it all back to google.
Doesn't your mac have some sort of image editor??
Tabs... ug. I disabled that 'feature' .LOL. I try not to have more than 6-8 browser windows open at a time.

Which also has spyware, but you can go into the  hidden settings & disable it :)

Quote from: suzukir122
I use Windows 10
Something I plan to never own. I'll stick with win8 or lower. (could care less if whatever version "isn't supported" I've never used Micro$oft support anyway.)

Quote from: sox35
That's one of the things I love about the version of Linux we use here (Fedora). It has an update utility that does prompt sometimes, but the beauty of the system is that it updates everything you have on the machine - OS, browser, office applications, you name it. If it's installed, the system will check for updates to  it daily.
Ubuntu had some thing like that too...couldn't figure out how to disable/modify it, so I finally just network-blocked it.

Quote from: sox35
Macs are ok if you like them I suppose, but their primary problem is Apple's policy of not allowing independent repair. If they break, you are supposed to return them to Apple who will, 9 times out of 10, charge you a fortune for repair, if they repair them at all. Very often they will declare the thing broken beyond repair and make you buy a new one. And with SSD's being soldered onto the motherboard that means you've lost all your data, unless you've made a backup  @-@ :curse: >:(
this type of crap (and 2x the price for half the computing) is why I won't ever buy anything from apple.

Back onto LG.. another thing I like about the site (besides the simple & quick loading interface) is the fact it isn't loaded down with any of that facebook/twitter/google/etc connection/spy crap like so many other sites these days. (not a big deal since I've blocked it all) I'm not into the whole social media thing & spewing every little bit of my boring life on it :lol:

ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!

Re: update this site omg « Reply #71 on: April 07, 2020, 10:43:16 AM » Author: sox35
Back onto LG.. another thing I like about the site (besides the simple & quick loading interface) is the fact it isn't loaded down with any of that facebook/twitter/google/etc connection/spy crap like so many other sites these days. (not a big deal since I've blocked it all) I'm not into the whole social media thing & spewing every little bit of my boring life on it :lol:
Same here, this is about as social as we get  8;) :cat: :bulbman:

The only serious drawback I've found is that unless you make your gallery photos members only, it cross-posts every image you upload to FarceBuke  >:( :curse: :poof:

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Re: update this site omg « Reply #72 on: April 07, 2020, 02:09:07 PM » Author: Danny
Yeah something Definitely needs to be done about the Quote text. As its the same font and when different comments are quoted in one comment the comment looks an absolute utter mess.

I feel the feature is massively over used. You get emails for notifications if you tick the box and don't need to quote every ones comment especially if the comment your quoting is long and winded. It just makes the comment sections look a utter muddled mess.

When i first joined here in 2011 it was rarely used. That is If it was even there then. People used to just put @Danny or @sox35 to get their attention for instance, instead of quoting and it was just much better and neater. I think either the quoting needs to be in a different text, italic, a box above or plan B add a tagging feature and rid the quote feature, where you can tag the person you are responding to (Theyd get a email notification for this)  instead of quoting their whole message above yours. Id like to see the quote feature used Less as when i see comment after comment quoted i usually cant  be arsed reading the topics as they're a mess. I struggle to find where the persons comment actually starts after the quotes ended. Unless people do what Ria does and italic the quote.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 02:12:08 PM by Danny » Logged

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Re: update this site omg « Reply #73 on: April 07, 2020, 02:17:28 PM » Author: suzukir122
@Danny, haaa... man it's funny you mention that. Legit... I've been doing the @ response for years. I very, very rarely ever
reply with the quote. @Xmaslightguy, @Sox35, @Lightingguy1994... etc!

I find it much easier/cleaner that way. That's just my personal opinion.
Not sure if I did this back in 2010 or 2011 though.

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds
4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs
Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend

Re: update this site omg « Reply #74 on: April 07, 2020, 02:19:23 PM » Author: sox35
Yeah, italics is the best way to go IMHO. Unless it can be done as with some other sites and put quoted text in a box.

On the forum, just highlight the text you want to quote and click on the I. It's a bit more effort to do on a gallery post, but all it takes is [ i ] (without the spaces) and [ /i ] with the quoted text in between and there you are. Easy.

Oh, the @ thing. Fine if it's the previous post or one on the same page, but if it's been pushed off the front page or the person you're referring to has made several posts, it's hard to know what you're referring to.
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