The grey goes to the neutral, and it's normally run though a switch and depending how you wire it up you can have a few light options, don't wire it to the live line, probably won't hurt it but it won't work, basically just think of it like two ballasts in one box and your simply switching the second one by the neutral and both by the live wire..
Actually, the grey wire gets connected to the 'neutral' for 4-lamp operation is correct. However, you can connect it to either 'hot' wire when wired in a 208- or 240- volt single phase (U.S.) circuit. Back in late 2007, my company installed 120 6-lamp F54T5HO low bay lights in a retail building with 2 tenants. All had the first-gen Advance/Philips ICN- series ballasts with the push-in wiring connectors. It was a design-build project, meaning no job blueprints for the electrical other than the service panels and roof-top units. We opted to wire these fixtures on 208Volts after consulting with Advance. We were able to have up to 7 fixtures per circuit vs 4 fixtures per circuit (at 120 Volts), plus no neutral loading/harmonics. We still do maintenance on these fixtures due to height (13 to 17 feet off the floor) and have seen 25% ballast failure in the 10 years and most still have the original lamps. The stores are due for a blanket relamp (Philips F54T5HO/841) but the tenant is looking toward LED's (against my advice).