I don't know about an un-grounded lighting circuit but I know you can change to three prong plugs on a two wire un-grounded circuit with out rewiring...
So i don't think you need to rewire, you also don't need to replace fixtures, but electricians are in business to make money, so they often look at what makes them the most, in this case rewiring is the most expensive, so they should be able to pull out the code book and show you that a GFCI protected lighting circuit is not allowed.
But to change the plugs to a three prong type all you need to do is install a GFCI breaker to protect the outlet, and while they are costly, it's also allowed in code to install a GFCI plug offering downstream protection to additional outlets, and they are cheap if you hit up the restore, and they are mainly in colors like almond or brown unless your lucky but they work the same and they can go in there own box beside the breaker panel.
But you have to mark the downstream receptacles with the words “GFCI Protected” and “No Equipment Ground” if you change the two prong plugs to a three prong, the only time you have to rewire is if you do major renovations, and you can't extend an un-grounded circuit, so they only allow this to the existing circuit ...
So I don't see why you can't do this with a lighting circuit because it's a much lower risk then a receptacle circuit is.
This site has bit more info on the electrical / wiring / code side of things :>