But aren't the wires insulated? I always thought the wires going across utility poles had insulation to protect from shocks.
The insulation is the air (unless they touch each other), it is the leas expensive, but one of the most robust insulation material (even with flashover, it 100% regenerates, no degradation).
The protection against shock is their position (they are high enough, so you can not touch them). The minimum height is based on the maximum height of the vehicles underneath, the possible sag due to wind, heat or other expected causes and the height is regularly checked during inspections (just a trained technician's look is accurate enough, the standards count on rather large tolerances). The pole design and wire spacing should ensure the wires actually do not touch each other (nor approach so much to cause a flashover) within required conditions (a minimum wind speed is one of them), but when the area is hit by wind way in excess what the design count on, the wires may swing so wildly they may touch each other and so cause these disruptions. In any way, the protection system should ensure the thing remains safe...
It seems like utility companies have to be quick to stop any accidents in making the sine wave, or people would be complaining about restarting fluorescents.
If that happens only during heavy storms, no one sane would be ever complaining...
With such weather normal people are just happy the infrastructure didn't get damaged so the service is working and nothing got damaged by overvoltage or so after the storm and even most of the time during the storm...
Of course, normal everyday weather should not cause these problems, but an exceptional weather may do so.
Another Question: My photoelectric switch says it has a maximum wattage of 400 Watts with fluorescent, but 500 With incandescent.
Are they talking about power factor? Could you rely on the incandescent rating if you use a high power factor ballast? Would it be possible to use a HID ballast on it?
It is not only about power factor, but as well about an inrush current or possible overvoltages when breaking the circuit.
The incandescents are resistive loads, so they pose no severe power ON inrush, nor any power OFF overcvoltage at all, so therefore it means nop extra contact loading at all.
The capacitive loads (ballasts compensated by a capacitor plain parallel to the mains input) exhibit nearly a short circuit current inrush peak (causing arcing and possible contact welding when switching ON), ballasts with inductive front end (practically all others) do exhibit overvoltage spike, so arcing when the relay breaks the circuit.
The energy of these things is usually related to the apparent power drawn by the circuits, so the robustness of the switching elements to handle these events is usually rated by the apparent power level (the "VA's").
Note, these inductive and capacitive effects are wide band peak events, so inductive can not compensate the capacitive and vice versa (the power factor is compensated), so you have to sum up all loads and then compare to the switch rating.
So if the switch rating says "400W fluorescent", it means it may control non-resistive load up to 400VA, so at 120V it means loads with up to 3.5A line current.