Don't forget, then in lot of MV lanterns still working today, lamps are there way long after their EOL, so very dimmed out.
The main advantage of MV (and LEDs as well) is becoming the disadvantage: The End Of useful Life on MV is, when their output drop to 70% and not complete "death", so nobody relamp, as "it still work"...
When i installed my yard light, i got a question (from a guy taking care of the lighting in the village) what lamp is there, as it was white and bright. The answer, then 80W MV, surprised him, as he was used to way more dimmer 125watters. When i ask, when they relamp last time, he did not remember, even when he does this work there for more then 20years. So instead of buying new lamps for ~$15 each, they replace fixtures by new 2*58W CFL for ~$130 each, while getting the same system efficacy...
Actually no, its any MV light. i just somehow see better under HPS light than MV light.
well you know, everyones eyes are different. so yeah. so to my wyws, HPS light has more visibility than MV.