Author Topic: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought  (Read 5722 times)

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LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « on: July 22, 2016, 08:31:09 AM » Author: dor123
Found this article at, and as Google Translate refuse to translate this article (Try to enter a nonexist link), I put here the content Google translated manually with corrections:

The content of the article is:

LED lights - not eco-friendly as you thought

Researchers at the University of California luminous cognition on LED bulbs (LED), preferred environmental enthusiasts. According to them, they spread toxins such as lead and nickel
The LED lamps (LED) is very popular among lovers of the environment because they consume less power than conventional incandescent lamps, and lives longer. But despite their contribution to reducing energy consumption, according to researchers at the University of California, are spreading (Today) toxics such as lead, nickel and copper toxic.

Researchers analysed the chemical composition of some popular products like Christmas tree lights, traffic signs and lights of vehicles. Red lights found very high levels of lead and bricks high levels of nickel.

The worst part is that each bulb, and components around, residues of alloys of copper and arsenic and other toxic metals was found that previously linked to cancer, neurological damage, kidney disease, high blood pressure and skin rashes.

It is important to highlight that breaking one lamp and inhaling the fumes will not necessarily cause cancer, but prolonged exposure can tip the balance because each one reacts differently to carcinogens.

The study showed that even at the production, usage and disposable, LED bulbs are a health hazard. Those in danger of high exposure (workers, mechanics, accident investigators, etc.), the study recommends to clean up broken LED bulbs with gloves and a mask, and treat it as hazardous waste.

Today, LED bulbs are not considered dangerous and thrown away as normal waste. Thus dripping toxic materials landfill soil and seep into groundwater. Instead of seeing only the economical side that must cope with the dangers, even if it would hurt their reputation and reduce sales.

Original untranslated hebrew article
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 09:45:59 AM by dor123 » Logged

I"m don't speak English well, and rely on online translating to write in this site.
Please forgive me if my choice of my words looks like offensive, while that isn't my intention.

I only working with the international date format (

I lives in Israel, which is a 220-240V, 50hz country.


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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #1 on: July 22, 2016, 09:07:05 AM » Author: Ash
Are you waiting for a reply to this so that you can copy it over to every other discussion on LG that relates to the subject ? You are entitled to have your own opinions you know

Lets only suffice with that, everyone who mentions Lead content in consumer electronics in 2016 have no idea what he is talking about. And if they are so desperate to find toxins, why not try to eat the Tungsten or cap Cement from ordinary GLS lamps

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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #2 on: July 22, 2016, 09:30:48 AM » Author: wattMaster
The problem with this is that the LEDs are usually encased in Epoxy and isolated from anything, and then you have the LED bulb enclosure, which is usually tightly sealed.

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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #3 on: July 22, 2016, 12:00:41 PM » Author: wishus
Toxic copper? I guess I'd better rip out all the wiring in my house then... All those poisons hidden behind my walls!  And nickel?  What is the mint thinking, making all our coins out of this incredibly dangerous metal?
I cannot take this article seriously when it claims benign metals are 'toxins'.

Interested mainly in discharge lighting (mercury, sodium, neon) and also old and unusual incandescents.


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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #4 on: July 22, 2016, 12:17:34 PM » Author: wattMaster
Copper even has antimicrobial properties, so a lot of door handles now are toxic. ???

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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #5 on: July 22, 2016, 12:46:17 PM » Author: Solanaceae
Oh yea I remember the episode of family guy where Peter are a bunch of nickels. :P everything is toxic in high enough concentrations, even dihydrogen monoxide.

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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #6 on: July 22, 2016, 12:49:07 PM » Author: wattMaster
Oh yea I remember the episode of family guy where Peter are a bunch of nickels. :P everything is toxic in high enough concentrations, even dihydrogen monoxide.
Did You Know that Dihydrogen Monoxide is an industrial coolant, and is a rapid metal ruster?
Did You Know that you can die from eating too many fruits and vegetables?

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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #7 on: July 22, 2016, 12:58:39 PM » Author: Solanaceae
If it can corrode the hulls of boats combined with common salt, imagine what it's doing to your body!!!

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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #8 on: July 22, 2016, 01:04:47 PM » Author: wattMaster
If it can corrode the hulls of boats combined with common salt, imagine what it's doing to your body!!!
Then all of the "Stay Hydrated" messages are bogus!
Good thing it was a joke/hoax. :P
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 01:07:00 PM by wattMaster » Logged

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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #9 on: July 22, 2016, 01:09:01 PM » Author: dor123
What they meaned to say in this article, is that the metals that are used in LED lamps, can pollute the ground and ground water, but they use stuff they are know from mercury in fluorescent lamps.
LEDs are indeed a hazarodus waste like fluorescent lamps and HID lamps (Probably even more), and shouldn't be thrown with the regular waste, but the article uses stuff said about fluorescent lamps and mercury (Which is ineed toxic), which isn't suitable here. The metals in LEDs aren't toxic, but they can pollute the earth and ground water.

I"m don't speak English well, and rely on online translating to write in this site.
Please forgive me if my choice of my words looks like offensive, while that isn't my intention.

I only working with the international date format (

I lives in Israel, which is a 220-240V, 50hz country.


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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #10 on: July 22, 2016, 01:19:01 PM » Author: wattMaster
What they meaned to say in this article, is that the metals that are used in LED lamps, can pollute the ground and ground water, but they use stuff they are know from mercury in fluorescent lamps.
LEDs are indeed a hazarodus waste like fluorescent lamps and HID lamps (Probably even more), and shouldn't be thrown with the regular waste, but the article uses stuff said about fluorescent lamps and mercury (Which is ineed toxic), which isn't suitable here. The metals in LEDs aren't toxic, but they can pollute the earth and ground water.
Then CFLs are also not Eco-friendly, as they are essentially the same as LED bulbs with this situation.

SLS! (Stop LED Streetlights!)


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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #11 on: July 22, 2016, 02:01:17 PM » Author: Ash
DHMO is the highes cncentration component in polluted underground Waters

DHMO is present in hazardous Lead Acid batteries

DHMO is used in the industry as a powerfull solvent

DHCP is used in all computer networking equipment

This whole article is like that latter line in a DHMO facts list.. (Full story : in one of the places where i worked as IT, we decided to test our "users" for what they think of DHMO, so we made a facts list and started mentioning DHMO. I slipped in the DHCP thing. None of the users that we managed to fool ever noticed it while we the IT's were silently giggling)

What i find ridiculous here is not only that they mention materials that are not present (Lead), generally not toxic (Copper), not avoidable (Copper), present in trace amounts (Arsenic), and perhaps something else.. But that they ABSOLUTELY OVERLOOKED the way bigger quantities of toxic materials involved in the manufacture process (etching, washing, curing, ..), that dont end up in the final product, but go to waste straight from the manufacturing plants. The fact they didnt mention any of that, means that they have no clue what they are talking about (as if we didnt know that already)

And speaking of those waste products, i stand in my opinion that Mercury (that is put in small quantity in each lamp, and none of it is wasted at the factory except in case of accidents), is much lesser evil than anything Electronic (which manufacture involves loads of various etching solutions, solvents, and whatnot that dont even make it to the final product)


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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #12 on: July 22, 2016, 02:07:43 PM » Author: wattMaster
DHMO is the highes cncentration component in polluted underground Waters

DHMO is present in hazardous Lead Acid batteries

DHMO is used in the industry as a powerfull solvent

DHCP is used in all computer networking equipment

This whole article is like that latter line in a DHMO facts list.. (Full story : in one of the places where i worked as IT, we decided to test our "users" for what they think of DHMO, so we made a facts list and started mentioning DHMO. I slipped in the DHCP thing. None of the users that we managed to fool ever noticed it while we the IT's were silently giggling)

What i find ridiculous here is not only that they mention materials that are not present (Lead), generally not toxic (Copper), not avoidable (Copper), present in trace amounts (Arsenic), and perhaps something else.. But that they ABSOLUTELY OVERLOOKED the way bigger quantities of toxic materials involved in the manufacture process (etching, washing, curing, ..), that dont end up in the final product, but go to waste straight from the manufacturing plants. The fact they didnt mention any of that, means that they have no clue what they are talking about (as if we didnt know that already)

And speaking of those waste products, i stand in my opinion that Mercury (that is put in small quantity in each lamp, and none of it is wasted at the factory except in case of accidents), is much lesser evil than anything Electronic (which manufacture involves loads of various etching solutions, solvents, and whatnot that dont even make it to the final product)

And don't forget the thing about the Mercury being released when coal is burned, which is another reason CFLs are not as harmful as they seem to be.
You also have to cure any Epoxy, which releases fumes, which is toxic.

SLS! (Stop LED Streetlights!)


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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #13 on: July 22, 2016, 02:26:45 PM » Author: Solanaceae
They might as well tear all new construction houses down, they use copper as a termite barrier! :o

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Re: LED lamps - Not eco-friendly as you thought « Reply #14 on: July 22, 2016, 02:38:33 PM » Author: Ash
Actually i am more shocked for the use of Copper for this purpose. Isnt Steel like 10 times cheaper and less scarce ? Or do Termites eat Steel ?
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