What i do see is that the image is darkened in teh perimeter and this burn in effect - What i assume is some loss of liquid as it probably cracked somewhere in the edge as result of the impact
Isn't that just the edge running warmer due to the lamp heat (or colder because the electronic heats up the center part from behind)? The LCD itself is quite temperature sensitive and it is the task of the complete panel maker. Usually it is in the form of a rather thick aluminum sheet just behind the panel, equalizing the temperature, usually acting as well as the main structural frame.
But if this sheet is too thin (because someone want to save mass at low cost) or inadequately heated (because of a poor thermal design of the complete TV or because of some fault developing there), the temperature differences across the panel area may become larger and so cause uneven parameter shifts.
Real LC leaks create sharp terminated areas where the panel does not respond at all. The thing is, it is mainly the surface tension, what keeps the optimal thickness of the liquid film and the same mechanism does not allow it to become any thinner or thicker, so the fill may be only completely missing in the defective areas.