Author Topic: Things That Scare You  (Read 26660 times)

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #60 on: September 17, 2017, 06:51:03 AM » Author: sol
One thing that fears me is busy places like shopping centres, cinemas etc when there is loads of people everywhere. I get a bit anxious. I try and do shopping in centres in quieter times. The food court is insane at lunch time.

Sometimes, if I can, I try to go shopping on Wednesday mornings. I find it less busy, especially if I go just at the opening time. Not always possible because of work, though. And the food court : the noise of all that people is what gets me.

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #61 on: September 17, 2017, 10:38:02 AM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
Sometimes i get that way, Sometimes i get in a mood where i don't feel its safe to be in a large crowd of people...


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:


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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #62 on: September 17, 2017, 06:18:54 PM » Author: CEB1993
Big crowds and lots of noise really bother me.  I feel as if I'm trapped in a huge mass of people and there's no way to escape or avoid being crowded.  I just get nervous and feel as if everyone in the area can see me.  I don't like going to the mall at busy times and it makes me nervous just thinking about being in a football stadium with 80,000 other people.  Sometimes all of the chaos from the crowds, the rude people, the screaming kids, and the traffic, makes me just want to go hide in my house.  I just reach a point where it all drains me emotionally and I realize at the end of the day, I'm still an introvert and going outside my comfort zone for too long will not be pleasant.  

I know it sounds cliche to say that I'm afraid of leaving my comfort zone, but I am.  Doing so has been a lifelong and sometimes difficult process, but on the bright side it has lead to new opportunities and amazing experiences in many cases.

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #63 on: September 17, 2017, 07:24:42 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
I'm not necessarily all that, although sometimes i do feel that way my fear of crowds lies more in the fact that if something bad were to happen, like say, a mass shooter, suicide bomber, military invasion.... etc i would be within a group of people and it would be hard to maneuver out of the way, also if some dramatic even such as a sudden natural disaster happend, people would be frantic to get away which also would put me in a bad way.


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:


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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #64 on: September 17, 2017, 08:23:39 PM » Author: CEB1993
I'm not necessarily all that, although sometimes i do feel that way my fear of crowds lies more in the fact that if something bad were to happen, like say, a mass shooter, suicide bomber, military invasion.... etc i would be within a group of people and it would be hard to maneuver out of the way, also if some dramatic even such as a sudden natural disaster happend, people would be frantic to get away which also would put me in a bad way.

I feel that way too.  I hear about mass murderers and terrorists targeting crowded areas like concerts like the Manchester attack, and markets.  Aside from a deadly massacre, I more often worry about being pick pocketed or mugged in busy places downtown or in the mall.  I'm not the most imposing looking guy as I am tall, skinny, and wear ordinary clothes (shorts, t-shirt, boat shoes, etc.) but I do know some basic self defense.

Being confined someplace like in an airplane or in a really crowded stadium without an escape or access to a bathroom really makes me nervous.  I worry about suddenly feeling motion sickness or having a strong urge to pee after drinking too much and having no place to go.  

One sort of irrational and unlikely fear I have is being knocked over while I'm in a port-o-john.  I hate going in those in the first place because it's a disgusting, un-flushed toilet, basically a bucket of you know what.  Since they are portable, they can easily tip over with someone inside and slide down a hill  :o  I would rather hide in the backseat of my car and fill up a Gatorade bottle than go in one of those disgusting and dangerous things  ;D

« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 08:44:55 PM by CEB1993 » Logged

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #65 on: September 18, 2017, 11:27:19 PM » Author: Lumex120
I'm not necessarily all that, although sometimes i do feel that way my fear of crowds lies more in the fact that if something bad were to happen, like say, a mass shooter, suicide bomber, military invasion.... etc i would be within a group of people and it would be hard to maneuver out of the way, also if some dramatic even such as a sudden natural disaster happend, people would be frantic to get away which also would put me in a bad way.
That's my biggest fear too. Whenever I go to the state fair (usually spend a few days overnight since I show my animals there) I try to avoid the big crowds because of things like this. They are going to do Superbowl LII in Minneapolis and I am afraid something like a terrorist attack is going to happen. There's a lot of Somalis here and I have heard that they are being targeted for terrorist recruitment.  :-\

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #66 on: September 19, 2017, 12:54:21 AM » Author: tolivac
I am not afraid of large crowds-just don't like them.Thats why I like a SMALL town-used to live in Wash DC area-Got SICK of it!

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #67 on: September 19, 2017, 02:05:23 AM » Author: Lodge
That's my biggest fear too. Whenever I go to the state fair (usually spend a few days overnight since I show my animals there) I try to avoid the big crowds because of things like this. They are going to do Superbowl LII in Minneapolis and I am afraid something like a terrorist attack is going to happen. There's a lot of Somalis here and I have heard that they are being targeted for terrorist recruitment.  :-\

Terrorists, ok, in reality your more likely to be killed by your home furniture in North America and way more likely to die falling out of bed, and I'd be willing to bet your not about to start sleeping on the floor and abandon the furniture, really the odds are that high, it's not worth panicking about, and I know several Somalis they are friendly and actually make some pretty good food, they make this thing with a hard boiled egg in the middle and mashed potatoes around it and bread crumbs and they fry them, about the closest thing I can think of it's like a scotch egg which is basically the same only it has sausage meat around the egg and they are both pretty tasty, most people if your willing to talk to them and share food with them are actually pretty descent people regardless of what main stream media tells you, or tries to sell you, and I deal with hundreds of homeless people every weekend, including some Somalians and the biggest thing that I'm afraid of is them Overdosing or someone working with me being accidentally exposed to an opiate and overdosing  (yes I carry naloxone while I'm working with them, but I haven't had to use it yet but with fentanyl and carfentanil starting to show up it doesn't take much to overdose, but at least the government provides these naloxone kits free of charge to me) never does a terrorist attack cross my mind.

Honestly Armed toddlers are a bigger menace and kill ten times more people every year in the USA, and lawnmowers are machines of death killing thirty times more people, and beds well they do in more then 400 times more each year then a immigrant terrorist in the USA, and my pet peeve, texting while driving kills 3000+ times more people.. So don't be afraid that something will happen to you I'm sure you have slept in a bed and used a lawnmower and came out alive and well, and don't text and drive, yep I see it every day it drives me nuts.

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #68 on: September 19, 2017, 09:56:41 AM » Author: CEB1993
That makes sense that you are more likely to die in a household accident than from a terrorist attack. You are exposed to household items that could turn dangerous every day, but a little caution and common sense will protect you. A terrorist attack is unpredictable and far more deadly tactics are used than say falling down a staircase or cutting yourself with a kitchen knife.  

I fear certain things in certain places. I am afraid of sharp knives in my kitchen and cutting myself, whereas I am afraid of violence breaking out in crowded public places like sporting events or airports. I fear hurricanes when I'm at the beach, but not so much when I'm inland in upstate SC. I am wary of the possibility of bad things happening, but I do my best to not let my anxiety prevent me from doing things I want to do.  

It's sort of a paradox, but I fear living in so much fear that it makes my life boring since I don't accept the small possibility of something bad happening and go do something awesome.

 "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.”
-JK Rowling

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #69 on: September 19, 2017, 07:00:25 PM » Author: Lodge
CEB1993, keep your kitchen knifes sharp, I use a diamond compound and a leather strop after an 8000 grit whet stone, they get a mirror finish you can cut the end off a tomato and then put them flat side down and cut layers off the top so thin you can see through them without touching the tomato or holding it in any way, a sharp knife is much safer then a dull knife you have to fight with and push hard on to make it cut, because you inevitably slip and it gets away from you and that is when you get cut, and if your working close to your fingers with a blade you can get food safe cut proof Armid/kevlar gloves for a few bucks a pair at most restaurant supply stores and wholesale food supply stores and they go in the dishwasher when your done or you can get one stainless mesh class V glove which will take some effort to cut through it, I use one for cleaning and canning fish they are cut proof and grip a slippery fish like nothing else made and you only need one because the hand with the knife doesn't need one, and the one I got is like 30 years old and looks like the day it was new and it's saved my fingers more then once..

And violence in a public area while rare does happen, just remember run, hide, fight in that order, but don't let that make you hide in your house and not go out and enjoy the wonderful world we live in.. 


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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #70 on: September 19, 2017, 07:28:14 PM » Author: CEB1993
CEB1993, keep your kitchen knifes sharp, I use a diamond compound and a leather strop after an 8000 grit whet stone, they get a mirror finish you can cut the end off a tomato and then put them flat side down and cut layers off the top so thin you can see through them without touching the tomato or holding it in any way, a sharp knife is much safer then a dull knife you have to fight with and push hard on to make it cut, because you inevitably slip and it gets away from you and that is when you get cut, and if your working close to your fingers with a blade you can get food safe cut proof Armid/kevlar gloves for a few bucks a pair at most restaurant supply stores and wholesale food supply stores and they go in the dishwasher when your done or you can get one stainless mesh class V glove which will take some effort to cut through it, I use one for cleaning and canning fish they are cut proof and grip a slippery fish like nothing else made and you only need one because the hand with the knife doesn't need one, and the one I got is like 30 years old and looks like the day it was new and it's saved my fingers more then once..

And violence in a public area while rare does happen, just remember run, hide, fight in that order, but don't let that make you hide in your house and not go out and enjoy the wonderful world we live in.. 


I love to cook and work in the kitchen, so I have cut myself a few times over the years. My roommate and best friend dropped a knife last year and tried to grab it resulting in a severe cut on his finger, lots of blood, and me passing out and cutting my chin on an open door upon seeing his blood. After that disaster, I am more careful with knives. I'm not necessarily afraid of sharp knives, rather I am afraid of getting cut and bleeding.
I know basic self defense from karate classes I took years ago and if a mob scene breaks out or if I get mugged, which I hope never happens, I will know how to react. I feel self confident and safe for the most part in ordinary public settings.  If I'm out with friends a lot of my trepidation about being in huge crowds or in sketchy places is reduced.

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #71 on: September 19, 2017, 07:58:12 PM » Author: Mercurylamps
Things that scare me? Yes, a few, including getting a recall letter in the mail for dodgy airbags in my car. Seems that the problem isn't just in the US for Takata airbags but everywhere.

Other things that scare me:

Hearing noises while I'm trying to sleep.
Crowded, busy public places.
Slugs and snails (don't ask)


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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #72 on: September 19, 2017, 08:01:55 PM » Author: sol
In a commercial kitchen at my place of work, I was a volunteer at a charity event and my job was to feed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and someone else took care of the clean ones once they came out. I loaded a tray full of odd pieces, among them a 10 inch chef's knife. I subsequently forgot to tell the other person, and she didn't see it. She lifted the tray after thinking she emptied it and the knife flew in the air, and landed on the edge of her shoe. Luckily, she had fully covered shoes (not open like sandals) and didn't get hurt. That was scary. The following year, I was sure to tell her when the knife was in the dishwasher.

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18W Goldeye / 52W R&C LED front door lighting

Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #73 on: September 19, 2017, 11:33:27 PM » Author: Lodge
Things that scare me? Yes, a few, including getting a recall letter in the mail for dodgy airbags in my car. Seems that the problem isn't just in the US for Takata airbags but everywhere.

Other things that scare me:

Hearing noises while I'm trying to sleep.
Crowded, busy public places.
Slugs and snails (don't ask)

 ;D Snails are delicious, some butter, cream cheese, salt, pepper, garlic, fresh parsley in a mushroom cap and a little trip in the oven, some fresh bread, a good bottle of wine, they are a great appetizer or late night snack, when I feel like cooking..

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Re: Things That Scare You « Reply #74 on: September 21, 2017, 05:25:08 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
what do they taste like?


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:

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