The first of these finally arrived in Canada earlier this month. Home Depot is selling both the Soft White and Daylight variety for $15 a 3-pack. They had a Soft White on display, and it is a great-looking bulb. Very bright, nice color, no perceivable flicker, and it dimmed nicely (it doesn't dim very far, but smoothly nonetheless). I truly think this is the lamp that will bring LED bulbs to the masses. Next time I go there I'm going to see if a worker can put a Daylight unit in the display for me.
I've been wanting to try both varieties, and was willing to pay the $10/pack that these are available for in the US, but $15 is a little out of my comfort zone. Sucks to be in Canada sometimes.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 06:02:53 PM by TheMaritimeMan »