Author Topic: Destroying ITT cobraheads, idiot shakes MV lantern and destroyes it.  (Read 7723 times)

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Destroying ITT cobraheads, idiot shakes MV lantern and destroyes it. « on: October 25, 2015, 10:07:20 PM » Author: Lumex120
At around 1:11, when they hit the ground, they literally disintegrate. This is what the m250r1 on the ice arena that was demolished did. Had it's guts stabbed out by the mounting arm. :( Ugh...that horrible smashing sound of good fixtures being destroyed. What model were these? I know they were ITT but what model number?
The only thing I could think when watching this was "what an idiot..."  >:(
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 10:11:36 PM by Zarlog » Logged

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mdcastle 26956281@N02
Re: Destroying ITT cobraheads, idiot shakes MV lantern and destroyes it. « Reply #1 on: November 22, 2015, 01:00:44 PM » Author: mdcastle
To play devil's advocate, how many old cobrahead fixtures are there vs people that need or want one. Why not have some fun rather than dismantle them carefully and then throw them in a metal shredder.

The second video it looks like he flips the cutoff switch, not shakes the pole. Before the mercury vapor lights were removed from the overhead signs in the area they just flipped the switches off. I was tempted to go out some dark night with a hook and turn them back on.

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Re: Destroying ITT cobraheads, idiot shakes MV lantern and destroyes it. « Reply #2 on: November 22, 2015, 02:29:59 PM » Author: Solanaceae
I always thought those ITT cobraheads were made from fiberglass.

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Re: Destroying ITT cobraheads, idiot shakes MV lantern and destroyes it. « Reply #3 on: November 24, 2015, 03:56:04 AM » Author: tolivac
Back to terms for a moment--See the word "lamp" used in two ways-to describe a "bulb" or to describe a portable light fixture.It can be confusing.And on some of my "lamp" wrappers-it says "contains one bulb"

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Re: Destroying ITT cobraheads, idiot shakes MV lantern and destroyes it. « Reply #4 on: November 24, 2015, 08:37:30 AM » Author: funkybulb
It is is a shame these poles and lights gores down like this.. With forklift they should of loosen bolts bring
Poles down slowly.  These can be resold and for used in
The other parking lots as pole replacements  or new install. i know a church parking lot full of double guys pole. But to save all lights u have work out a deal
Cause they dont do work for free.  If your really interested. U pretty much have to pay there wages
And  running cost of the machines as lot times they
Are rental machines .  And  at that point u can have poles and all  if you have the way to take those poles.
Otherwise they will get knocked down with no regaueds
And bring them down fastest way possable . Scrap them for for day equipment running cost for that day rental.
 The best way to save lights is to look for places where there are force to bring them down slowly like being close to a power line or another parking lot in use near by and Ask forman  in that area to see if they can save it.

That how i got hold of my ITT as it was last two standing
In the parking lot due to being 3 feet away from 7200 volt power lines and metal pole is just as high.  The guy let me have light pole too. I had no real good way of hauling two light poles so i hacked them up my  self wiith a sawzall, and scrapped that union metal poles to fit in my truck and scrapped it. But kept the two ITT heads.

No LED gadgets, spins too slowly.  Gotta  love preheat and MV. let the lights keep my meter spinning.


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Re: Destroying ITT cobraheads, idiot shakes MV lantern and destroyes it. « Reply #5 on: November 25, 2015, 12:53:45 AM » Author: tolivac
One of my neighbors repurposed a salvaged lamppost as a flagpole!Works really well.He is a retired electrical contractor.He put the flag hardware on the pole.When I asked him about his pole-he told me it was a former lamppost.Yes,reuse the pole and the fixture!Some folks just like to destroy stuff.

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Re: Destroying ITT cobraheads, idiot shakes MV lantern and destroyes it. « Reply #6 on: November 26, 2015, 12:03:03 AM » Author: xelareverse
Let's comment about it on the video to prevent this from happening again like I did

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Re: Destroying ITT cobraheads, idiot shakes MV lantern and destroyes it. « Reply #7 on: November 26, 2015, 04:35:01 PM » Author: FGS
Guy tried selling them on Craiglist and had ads there for months. He had no takers so down they went the hard way.

It's not like "hey. These lights are in my way! Where's the forklift? I'll knock them down." More like "they're worth something. I'll sell them on Craiglist."

I'm sure we all have destroyed something that to some collectors are valuable. No way we could known that.

I've destroyed a CRT blue iMac myself in 2003~ before finding out in 2014~ that they're worth something. Next iMac I find. I'm keeping it or trading it off.

Why I like LEDs on top of other lighting tech?
LEDs = Upgrade 95% of the applications. (That is if you avoid eBay's LEDs).

LED brainwash? No, people uses them cuz they work well for them.

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