Author Topic: Anyone socially awkward?  (Read 16941 times)

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Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #15 on: January 03, 2018, 11:29:41 AM » Author: suzukir122
I'm very socially awkward as well which is part of the reason why I suffer from very severe depression,
which has been eating me from the inside.
Aside from that, people tend to look at me and run since I'm a noticeably strong. At first my natural reaction
was to laugh, but now it's like... in the words of Johnny Bravo, "This is getting really old, really fast."

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds
4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs
Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend


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Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #16 on: January 03, 2018, 01:57:34 PM » Author: 589
to answer op question, yes in large groups. However, I have little fear of public speaking anymore since college which is weird.

Because normal people don't give a (...) about and don't have a passion for lighting to the extend many on here do. 

Yep gotta have a few screws loose (or missing lol) in the 'ol noggin to be into this stuff. That is 100% ok though as the older I get, the more I appreciate that I am not "normal". If I was "normal" than I would just be like everyone else.


Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #17 on: January 03, 2018, 02:12:54 PM » Author: MissRiaElaine

Yep gotta have a few screws loose (or missing lol) in the 'ol noggin to be into this stuff. That is 100% ok though as the older I get, the more I appreciate that I am not "normal". If I was "normal" than I would just be like everyone else.

Well at least you're like everybody else on here  :P

I agree, there's no fun to be had being normal. As the saying goes, it's being mad that keep us sane  ;D :P

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Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #18 on: January 03, 2018, 03:22:05 PM » Author: 589
Well at least you're like everybody else on here  :P

I agree, there's no fun to be had being normal. As the saying goes, it's being mad that keep us sane  ;D :P


and well said :)



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Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #19 on: January 04, 2018, 12:59:50 AM » Author: takemorepills
First off, nobody is "normal", actually.

Go look on eBay, what people collect. Lighting begins to look normal.

Wanna know a weird hobby? A Boeing employee, here in Everett WA, had a thing for getting banged by horses. Yup, there's a club for that kind of stuff actually. It is not allowed in WA state, so these "enthusiasts" have to go to other states that allow it. This Boeing guy got killed by a horse, literally had his guts shoveled out! Now that's a weird "hobby".

My son, 10 years old, is socially awkward. He is very shy at first, then when he gets comfortable, he becomes way too loud and "proud". Really kind of an a-hole at times. I have to constantly correct him. Shyness is not a desirable trait! It creates a social challenge that limits how many possibly good people you can develop a relationship with. I try and teach my son that all of us humans are here for the same reason, to make it through the day and make a better life for ourselves. No need to be anxious around people, they all have the same goal. And I need to constantly remind him to be more modest and empathetic to other people. It is definitely a challenge created by genetics, I just hope that careful parenting can help him channel into a more open, friendly person.

One good way to get over feeling awkward or anxious is to crash someone's party and start a "pants-off-dance-off"!

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Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #20 on: January 04, 2018, 04:27:31 PM » Author: Flurofan96
In life to those who say "Be normal" to you. SCREW THEM!!!!!!

Yep gotta have a few screws loose (or missing lol) in the 'ol noggin to be into this stuff. That is 100% ok though as the older I get, the more I appreciate that I am not "normal". If I was "normal" than I would just be like everyone else.

I bet for me being not normal will pay me off and show the 'normal' sheep people that I am correct  8)

Lighting-Gallery member since June 2014

Mandolin Girl
Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #21 on: January 04, 2018, 04:51:11 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
Whenever we visit my mother (she's 91 next month), she always tells us to grow up.

We always reply "growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional"  ;D :D

She never gets it  ::)
Mandolin Girl
Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #22 on: January 04, 2018, 05:05:32 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
Whenever we visit my mother (she's 91 next month), she always tells us to grow up.

We always reply "growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional"  ;D :D

She never gets it  ::)

I remember the time we were coming north in the overnight coach, and we were being silly and swapping Love Hearts as we kissed, and one said 'Grow Up' whereupon we dissolved into fits of giggles. And someone in a grumpy voice from a few rows in front told us to shut up as they were trying to sleep. :D :D :D
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 05:21:55 PM by Miss Cuddly » Logged

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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)

Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #23 on: January 05, 2018, 12:53:32 AM » Author: xmaslightguy
Yep, I too am socially awkward ... to the point that I'm basically unfriendable(is that even a word?)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 01:02:19 AM by xmaslightguy » Logged

ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!


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Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #24 on: January 05, 2018, 12:56:02 AM » Author: RyanF40T12
understandable.  Friendships are hard to come by for most of us. 

The more you hate the LED movement, the stronger it becomes.


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Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #25 on: January 05, 2018, 02:47:02 AM » Author: suzukir122
me personally though, I consider everyone on here a friend of mine, since every single
one of us has a passion for lighting. Even those that deem themselves unfriendable.
When I developed an interest in lighting, I never thought that I'd ever discover anyone
else who has just as much -- if not more, interest in lighting as I do.

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds
4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs
Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend


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Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #26 on: January 05, 2018, 10:03:12 PM » Author: CEB1993
In life to those who say "Be normal" to you. SCREW THEM!!!!!!

Yep gotta have a few screws loose (or missing lol) in the 'ol noggin to be into this stuff. That is 100% ok though as the older I get, the more I appreciate that I am not "normal". If I was "normal" than I would just be like everyone else.

I bet for me being not normal will pay me off and show the 'normal' sheep people that I am correct  8)

Hi Peter, that is awesome!  No one is “normal”and everyone has there own special talents and purpose in life. I’ve always had a knack for lighting for as long as I can remember. I majored in psychology in college, which is a really broad field of study. On the other hand, lighting design is a highly specialized field of study that I am looking into for graduate school.

I started out in a common major like psychology and then realized that lighting is my passion and something that I would love as a lifelong career. At my age in my early 20’s I am happily accepting the fact that my special talent is lighting.  As a result, I am more secure now with who I am and what I want to do in life  :)

Philips DuraMax and GE Miser forever!  Classic incandescents are the best incandescents!

Stop the lamp bans!

Mandolin Girl
Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #27 on: January 06, 2018, 03:39:15 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
I have a neurological condition called Neurofibromatosis (Type 1), this affects me in quite a number of ways, and that includes coping with unknown situations.

Sometimes I cannot go to a new place on my own, I just freeze up and go into a panic, or I find it very hard to go into a meeting with someone I haven't spoken to. This means that without support I can't find a new job, hence me not being able to work any more.

A sudden change in plans also totally throws me off my stride and it can take hours before I get over it. Fortunately I have Ria at my side to help me.

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Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #28 on: January 06, 2018, 03:57:33 PM » Author: takemorepills
I think these conditions cause some people to "self-medicate" which leads to addiction. Being a little "buzzed" or slightly "high", by whatever means used, can be just enough to lower your social apprehensions. It is the same effect doctors seek when prescribing medication. However, many people go overboard and end up living in a tent in Downtown Seattle and pooping in the gutter

And for some reason society finds it totally acceptable.

I think highly intelligent people are able to suffer through these issues without resorting to drug use. That's why you see so many people with social issues who are very smart and can actually hold down a good job.
Mandolin Girl
Re: Anyone socially awkward? « Reply #29 on: January 06, 2018, 04:19:25 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
I think these conditions cause some people to "self-medicate" which leads to addiction. Being a little "buzzed" or slightly "high", by whatever means used, can be just enough to lower your social apprehensions. It is the same effect doctors seek when prescribing medication. However, many people go overboard and end up living in a tent in Downtown Seattle and pooping in the gutter

And for some reason society finds it totally acceptable.

I think highly intelligent people are able to suffer through these issues without resorting to drug use. That's why you see so many people with social issues who are very smart and can actually hold down a good job.

I've never been tempted down the self-medication route, at least not for this. But that's another story.

I had to leave work through stress, and despite trying haven't been able to work since. If a stressful situation happens I will freeze up and can't carry on. Even if I did get a job, no employer is going to accept an employee who suddenly turns round and says that they have got to go and might  be back in the morning.  :'(
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 04:22:27 PM by Miss Cuddly » Logged
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