Author Topic: Who believes in ghosts?  (Read 27391 times)
Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #60 on: August 23, 2017, 05:17:20 PM » Author: Aveoguy22
Recently was sitting on the PC in my bedroom and saw someone go thru the hallway and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind them.  thought it was my Mom who was at my place at the time but when i went to check the room after it was closed for >45 minutes there was no one in there and my mother had fallen asleep on the couch.  no idea who/what it was.  the doors were locked and so was the bathroom window (which is 15 feet off the ground).

weird.  stuff like that and other small things happen here all the time.  i have things disappear nowhere to be found only to reappear in an obvious spot moments after you looked there for it.

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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #61 on: August 23, 2017, 11:06:20 PM » Author: Lumex120

weird.  stuff like that and other small things happen here all the time.  i have things disappear nowhere to be found only to reappear in an obvious spot moments after you looked there for it.
That has happened to me several times, usually with smaller things such as books or cell phones or something. And once it was a not-so-small thing, my shop vac.  ??? Also, earlier today I was looking at the electrical section at my local Home Depot and a drinking fountain nearby suddenly flowing as if someone had pressed it or something. I stared at it for a few seconds and then it shut off. That really freaked me out and I asked someone nearby if they had seen it too, they said they saw it but the buttons on the side didn't move.

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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #62 on: August 24, 2017, 02:10:18 PM » Author: CEB1993
Recently was sitting on the PC in my bedroom and saw someone go thru the hallway and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind them.  thought it was my Mom who was at my place at the time but when i went to check the room after it was closed for >45 minutes there was no one in there and my mother had fallen asleep on the couch.  no idea who/what it was.  the doors were locked and so was the bathroom window (which is 15 feet off the ground).

weird.  stuff like that and other small things happen here all the time.  i have things disappear nowhere to be found only to reappear in an obvious spot moments after you looked there for it.

I've had instances of doors being mysteriously opened or closed, too.  When I went into the basement of my house one day, I noticed that the door to the laundry room was ajar even though I remember closing it last time I exited the basement.  There's no way it could be from a draft since there isn't a window in the laundry room and the A/C doesn't work great in the basement.  It's a heavy cedar door that latches properly and requires the handle to be turned to open.


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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #63 on: August 25, 2017, 05:21:14 AM » Author: suzukir122
I ain't fraid of no ghost.


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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #64 on: August 25, 2017, 07:16:04 AM » Author: Flurofan96
Oh man freaky stories there  :o :o :o doors closing/opening/ajar and things disappearing and reappearing in places where you don't expect.

One night when I wen downstairs to get some water during midnight and everyone was in bed, the TV decided to come on by itself and I went to the living room to turn it off. I was slightly scared but I knew what the reason it could have been? Probably interference from FL lighting or something

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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #65 on: September 10, 2017, 10:46:47 PM » Author: CEB1993
I had a strange occurrence today at my house. A chandelier with 3 G25 globe type bulbs had all three bulbs go out between yesterday and today. We hardly ever use that light and rarely go into the room it's in, so it was very odd as to why all three bulbs blew out at about the same time. My dad flipped the switch and a bulb burnt out.  Five minutes later, I flipped the switch and the last bulb burnt out. Nothing was unusual or defective with the bulbs, and they were decent quality GE's made in Hungary. 

It always gives me a strange feeling going into dark rooms by myself, knowing they are rarely used, such as the bonus room where these bulbs all burnt out, the basement, and even the guest bedroom at my grandparents' house. I have found evidence of usage in these rooms (burnt out light bulbs, ajar doors, etc.) even though I know no one has used the room recently.  I sometimes get a feeling that it's "too" quiet when I'm in these places by myself as if I'm being stalked and I worry about someone startling me.


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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #66 on: June 03, 2018, 03:29:06 PM » Author: Cole D.
I know of an area several miles from my grandparents where people supposedly would see lights floating at night. From what I heard it was in the 1960s and 1970s, I don't know if it still happens. People would even go out there and sit in their cars waiting for the lights. My grandma even had a friend that lived near there. She said she sat on the porch and could see the lights floating and when they got as close as the gate, she went inside for fear. I've been through there sometimes if we take the back roads home from my grandparents' house. There's nothing out there but fields, woods and a few houses. My thought and what I've heard others say is it's phosphorous that could cause the lights, because there are mines in that area. I'm not sure how the lights could move though. Maybe balls of fireflies, I don't know? There are actually two areas that have these stories, but I think both have phosphate mines.

Plus in the next town over from me, there's this old lake that dried up and there's just a few little ponds. People said they would see a woman fishing with no water. But I think it's just a legend as people that live on the road never saw anything.

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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #67 on: June 03, 2018, 03:33:45 PM » Author: MissRiaElaine
I definitely believe things can happen outside of our normal daily consciousness. I was sitting on the loo the other day (as you do) thinking about nothing in particular, and for a very brief moment I saw what I am convinced was the ghost of my old cat, Missy. It was just a shadow, but it was definitely there. We had been talking about her earlier in the day and I'm sure she came to visit to see if I was ok  :)

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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #68 on: June 03, 2018, 03:42:15 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
I definitely believe things can happen outside of our normal daily consciousness. I was sitting on the loo the other day (as you do) thinking about nothing in particular, and for a very brief moment I saw what I am convinced was the ghost of my old cat, Missy. It was just a shadow, but it was definitely there. We had been talking about her earlier in the day and I'm sure she came to visit to see if I was ok  :)

My mother's seen a ghost cat before.. What you describe sounds pretty well the same as what she described...


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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #69 on: June 04, 2018, 09:45:25 AM » Author: Mandolin Girl
I definitely believe things can happen outside of our normal daily consciousness. I was sitting on the loo the other day (as you do) thinking about nothing in particular, and for a very brief moment I saw what I am convinced was the ghost of my old cat, Missy. It was just a shadow, but it was definitely there. We had been talking about her earlier in the day and I'm sure she came to visit to see if I was ok  :)
I'm glad that you saw her sweetheart, I saw her myself a couple of years ago and you were really disappointed that you hadn't  :-*

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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #70 on: June 04, 2018, 01:17:28 PM » Author: CEB1993
I don’t necessarily believe in ghosts, however I do believe in spirits. I think that a persons’ spirit lives on forever after their death. Each person is unique and therefore brings something special and individual into the world. I believe there is life after death, and a person who has died can still be with you in a spiritual way. 

I’ve never had any close encounters with so called “spirits” or ghosts of my ancestors. I do know that their influences live on today among my living family.


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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #71 on: June 05, 2018, 02:44:12 AM » Author: RyanF40T12
I don’t necessarily believe in ghosts, however I do believe in spirits. I think that a persons’ spirit lives on forever after their death. Each person is unique and therefore brings something special and individual into the world. I believe there is life after death, and a person who has died can still be with you in a spiritual way. 

I’ve never had any close encounters with so called “spirits” or ghosts of my ancestors. I do know that their influences live on today among my living family.

Amen. Life is way too complex in ways that science will never be able to explain. 

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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #72 on: December 21, 2020, 09:50:46 PM » Author: Binarix128
I believe in the possibility that ghosts exist, but I'm not a strong believer though.

I had a weird experience out of normal. We went to a countryside house of the family of my mother's friends in Linares. It is quite far from the main roadway and at an important distance from the closest dirt way. At night it is nothing more than open farmland, crickets and darkness and it's pretty relaxing but not scary at all. Then we went to the house built around the 1910s and made of mud and wood poles,just like all the houses of the day there. The house was mildly empty and it had a big central room completely open to the exterior and a few closed rooms, so we unpacked our things in the big open room, we made some food and enjoyed the moment. We arrived at around 3am so we had a good night time till 6:30 AM, and the place felt quite comfortable, no scary feeling or that something was wrong at all. At around 4 am the weird things started. For more company we had the camping radio turn on for listen to some music from the FM radio, and the signal randomly started to weaken. I installed a 250W SBMV bulb, and it started to self hot restrike at that hour. I know that SBMVs extinguish quite easily to voltage drops, also there were some light dim outs. Then, when there was no wind the door from one room opened and closed from another room. There was a fireplace but it was outside and there's no way it could heat up the air at such level to make it flow to the cold rooms and open the doors.

Of course it scared the crap out of me because it was my first weird experience, but I didn't feel something wrong was boutta happen there. Then one of the friends told us that his family lived there and his great and grandmother died there, which explains it all.

I think that entities like ghosts manifest electromagnetic, thermal or chemical effects on their environment. I think they "suck" electromagnetic, thermal or chemical energy for feed up or manifest. An example of electromagnetic effects is the light turning off and hot restriking although no click of the switch was heard, the fm signal weaken, and the light dimming out. A thermal interaction would be the doors closing, the entity probably made the air cold enough to make some air flow. A chemical interaction would the one a member told, that his smoke detector batteries died before than the other detector.

Probably we will never know what such entities are really doing.

I forgot to add that my grandma has experienced her tv to turn on by itself at night, even with a modern tv, it was an old crt. She unplug her tv now and it never happened again.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2020, 09:54:53 PM by Binarix128 » Logged

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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #73 on: December 23, 2020, 10:00:41 PM » Author: CEB1993
I don’t necessarily believe in ghosts, but I believe in spirits. A person’s spirit exists during their life and after their death. A spirit lives on just like a memory. For example, my late great grandmother passed away a few years ago and her favorite food was seafood. I believe her spirit lives on when my family and I fix her favorite foods.

Ghosts are a little tricky for me to put my finger on. One night as a kid, I thought I saw the ghost of our deceased dog in the hall outside my room. However, it was a very clear night and the moonlight was quite bright. Perhaps it was just a shadow or the soft light of the moon playing tricks on my young mind.

My family cemetery is near Charleston, West Virginia. There’s a hotel that overlooks the cemetery so I often think of ghosts of my ancestors visiting the hotel at night and causing mischief  :lol: Cemeteries always make me feel a strange mixture of fear and sentiment. I’ve jokingly told people I know who visit the Charleston WV/Lewisburg WV area to keep the Ghostbusters on speed dial just in case...

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Re: Who believes in ghosts? « Reply #74 on: December 23, 2020, 10:39:49 PM » Author: Binarix128
Agreed. Spirits are memories of deseased familiars or close people like a friend. E.g. we get memories of my recently diseased grandpa when we listen to Cueca (A Chilean folkloric music genre, typical from the countryside, where my grandpa family comes from).

Ghosts are a bit more tricky, because they are spontaneous fenomenas that usually happen quickly and don't give you enough time to look them closely or register them. Then if you manage to get a material evidence of them is even more trickier to prove anyone else that your footage is real.
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