one post got accidentally deleted:
between pin1 and pin 3 there is a cap,4.7nF/1kV-the big blue.
IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 tubes TL-D 18W philips,series connected inter pin1 & pin3,the middle to pin 2-the one with 1n cap.
why pin2?it provides a mean to strike the first tube(inter 2 and 3)and only after that the second tube WILL strike (inter 1 and 2).
otherwise no one can strike 2 series tubes at the same time.
going in reverse,when you series connect capacitors to attain higher voltage you must place balancing resistors across every one of the caps.
QUESTION:how much can in TAKE?like 2x58W?
i mean active pfc for a total of 36W is just overkill,that's what china tells us.never mind "electronic transformers" for 12V/150W halogen without any proper mains filter,without capacitors,inductance or even transistors-the silicon chip inside china heads is so tiny that a 5-6 TIMES
DE-RATING (amperes) is useless because they cannot take THE VOLTAGE.
about bad ballasts-the end result is premature ejaculation of Hg-MERCURY into our lungs-about 1000 tonnes yearly.