Author Topic: Close encounters with nature  (Read 15132 times)

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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #30 on: September 08, 2015, 03:51:27 PM » Author: Solanaceae
Also, we got a bunch of severe weather and the power At skool was knocked out for an hour. The best part is, the 2x54 troffer above me got toasted by the power surge and now it flashes like LEDisease. :P
Sounds Like a bad transistor or something else.

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #31 on: September 08, 2015, 04:21:49 PM » Author: Lumex120
Also, we got a bunch of severe weather and the power At skool was knocked out for an hour. The best part is, the 2x54 troffer above me got toasted by the power surge and now it flashes like LEDisease. :P
Sounds Like a bad transistor or something else.
When was this?

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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #32 on: September 08, 2015, 04:32:01 PM » Author: Solanaceae
Also, we got a bunch of severe weather and the power At skool was knocked out for an hour. The best part is, the 2x54 troffer above me got toasted by the power surge and now it flashes like LEDisease. :P
Sounds Like a bad transistor or something else.
When was this?

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ITT Low Pressure Sodium NEMA

Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #33 on: September 12, 2015, 12:18:59 AM » Author: icefoglights
Interior Alaska gets thunderstorms, but usually just isolated ones, and rarely anything impressive.  Back in 1999 there was one that was fairly impressive (by local standards), similar to something that might be seen around Seattle.  Went to a high point to watch it.  A few years ago, we had a good storm with the most powerful hail i'd seen around here.  Had some flowers in pots on the porch that were pounded literally flat by it.  Wind blew down a rotten tree.

When I was in Louisiana, strong storms were a regular thing, often with tornado watches and occasionally tornado warnings.  The down pouring rain would often flood streets.  I once accidentally left the drivers window of my Jeep rolled down.  Took about 3 hours of idling with the heater on full blast to dry it out.  Also once had to fly through such a storm.  Rough ride in an ERJ.  Spent an hour waiting on the ground at IAH waiting for the weather over the field to clear enough to take off.

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #34 on: September 12, 2015, 12:45:51 PM » Author: ace100w120v
Do the thunderstorms/lightning strikes ever start wildfires up there? I know it can get tinder dry up there with all the black spruce, etc...
We had one in August of one year in Atascadero, CA that was really impressive...not just a couple thunderclaps and a flash or two but several hours of it.  I think that one even burned down a house.  It was all over the news and had torrential rain hail though IIRC. 

Here in Southeast Alaska, we get thunderstorms occasionally, but nothing real impressive, though I know someone's house that got affected by lightning; it almost burnt their house down when it caught an inverter (off grid house) on fire...luckily they were home! It fried a bunch of other stuff in their house too. 

I'll have to look out for thunderstorms while in college up there then...

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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #35 on: September 12, 2015, 12:54:32 PM » Author: Solanaceae
Illinois weather is wild. We can go from 95 and sunny, to a severe storm to 70 and windy. True story, that happened both Tuesday and Thursday this week, Tuesday caused the school to loose power (which fried several f54 troffers, but the old 8 foot ho shoplites in the engineering room were unhurt thankfully).

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #36 on: September 26, 2015, 07:22:04 PM » Author: ace100w120v
Yeah, our weather here can be really erratic and tempermental too!

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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #37 on: September 27, 2015, 12:52:07 AM » Author: Solanaceae
The worst part is, it gets hot enough here sometimes to buckle roads and burst water mains, not to mention softening tar on the road to where it'll be picked off the ground with ease.
Winter 2014-15 was brutal. It got to -25 ish and I still spray painted outside. The paint actually did great, not bubbling or running. It was the Walmart brand paint.
Also, March of 2013 gave us 18 inches of snow in 12 hours, and the huge piles weren't completely melted until a month and a half later.

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #38 on: September 28, 2015, 11:39:43 PM » Author: xelareverse
Here in Michigan the weather can go from 70°f ta snowing and back. (It happened this spring)

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #39 on: September 30, 2015, 03:59:44 AM » Author: Mercurylamps
Last year I was out at the shops with my son then we went to McDonalds (he was 2 at the time, he's turned 3 a few months back.) The weather was lovely and beautiful at the time, the sun was shining, it was hot and not a single cloud in the sky. While we were inside McDonalds having our food, I happen to notice that the sky had turned black rather quick. After eating we head outside when I can hear really loud thunder so I rush to the car while carrying my young son. Touching the door handle of the car I could feel a small tingle and the metal body of my car and the other nearby cars were giving off a buzz, so I quickly put my son in the back and then I jumped in. I could hear the buzzing from inside the car, then there was a big flash followed by thunder almost immediately. I'm not sure where it struck but it was really, really close.

 I can never forget that tingling feeling and the buzzing sound. :o

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #40 on: May 03, 2016, 01:45:57 PM » Author: Lumex120
Last year I was out at the shops with my son then we went to McDonalds (he was 2 at the time, he's turned 3 a few months back.) The weather was lovely and beautiful at the time, the sun was shining, it was hot and not a single cloud in the sky. While we were inside McDonalds having our food, I happen to notice that the sky had turned black rather quick. After eating we head outside when I can hear really loud thunder so I rush to the car while carrying my young son. Touching the door handle of the car I could feel a small tingle and the metal body of my car and the other nearby cars were giving off a buzz, so I quickly put my son in the back and then I jumped in. I could hear the buzzing from inside the car, then there was a big flash followed by thunder almost immediately. I'm not sure where it struck but it was really, really close.

 I can never forget that tingling feeling and the buzzing sound. :o
That's scary. Now that it is spring here again, I am probably going to have several more "close encounters".
I am terrified of tornados for some reason (probably from my 2nd grade experience), and freak out whenever the sirens go off. Where I live there has never ever been a tornado (some people say it's because of all the hills) but I still worry about it whenever it becomes summer.

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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #41 on: May 03, 2016, 04:36:28 PM » Author: Solanaceae
We had a tornado that passed over my house two months ago. As for the lightening, was the buzz like 60hz or was it something weird?

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #42 on: May 04, 2016, 03:01:15 PM » Author: hannahs lights
I think the best way to avoid storms is to drink beer I drink loads and we don't get storms so it must work Lol seriously the weather's just turned nice here it's warm and sunny and should be up to around 70 Fahrenheit by the end of the week lots of finches and other nice little birds about now

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #43 on: May 05, 2016, 04:46:02 PM » Author: Ash
Yesterday night i went to the far end of a footpath leading from the town into the woods. Its a footpath that is sorta derelict and some time ago they tried to fix the lighting there with LEDs, but they go EOL one by one from the 1st day. I came to look which new one failed since the last visit....

There is sorta jungle growing there, of not dense but tall plants and above them trees that make it into a densely shadowed place during the day. This jungle reaches right up to one side of the footpath. As i came 20ft past the last working light, there was some serious sudden growling sound from the jungle-wall, at distance that was no more than 10ft from me in straiht line. Could be a boar. I backed up

We have jackals here but they dont come to people. Not much boars but occasionally there is a boar vandalising some footpath or somebody's garden or car

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #44 on: May 05, 2016, 09:27:12 PM » Author: Lumex120
Yesterday night i went to the far end of a footpath leading from the town into the woods. Its a footpath that is sorta derelict and some time ago they tried to fix the lighting there with LEDs, but they go EOL one by one from the 1st day. I came to look which new one failed since the last visit....

There is sorta jungle growing there, of not dense but tall plants and above them trees that make it into a densely shadowed place during the day. This jungle reaches right up to one side of the footpath. As i came 20ft past the last working light, there was some serious sudden growling sound from the jungle-wall, at distance that was no more than 10ft from me in straiht line. Could be a boar. I backed up

We have jackals here but they dont come to people. Not much boars but occasionally there is a boar vandalising some footpath or somebody's garden or car

 That is... scary.  :o

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