Author Topic: Everything that's old is new again!  (Read 2712 times)

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Everything that's old is new again! « on: March 25, 2015, 10:30:39 PM » Author: TheUniversalDave1
I have been informed that there is a new type of light bulb available. It's not halogen. It's not CFL. It's definitely not LED. It's a CRT light bulb. That's right, it's a scaled down TV! It's an actual cathode ray tube! I thought that was super cool when I saw it on a popular YT channel featuring electronics and such. The bulb is called the VU1, and only comes in 3200K, but I think that's okay. The company is just starting out. See for yourself. I want one of these now.

I just looked in the Gallery, and I see that there are already a few of these up there. Now I feel stupid.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 10:38:07 PM by TheUniversalDave1 » Logged

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Re: Everything that's old is new again! « Reply #1 on: March 25, 2015, 11:45:47 PM » Author: BlueHalide
Thats awesome, I havent seen one in person yet, but Ill definitely buy one granted theyre not super expensive.

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Re: Everything that's old is new again! « Reply #2 on: March 26, 2015, 12:35:56 AM » Author: tolivac
Lowes was supposed to have these-they had signs announcing them like a few years ago-so far haven't seen these bulbs-would like to try some of them when they do become available.
Re: Everything that's old is new again! « Reply #3 on: March 27, 2015, 05:57:47 PM » Author: michilumin
As goes with my uh, "tradition" of trying (and collecting) every new iteration, I've been trying to get my hands on some VU1s for a while.  They actually have been around in limited quantities for a year or so, but the initial run had some problems.  Bad QC, and a shrinking (after a short time) "beam" on the phosphor.

They're essentially CRTs yes, but without a variable choke/electromagnetic deflection. I know some people have said that they have no magnetic deflection at all but I don't believe this is the case; the cathode ray does have to be focused, to some degree, onto the phosphor, and the first run had some defects relating to the power of the cathode/electron source diminishing slightly and causing a narrowing of the beam.

Lowes had this first run, and it sold out very very quickly, as VU1 halted manufacture due to the problems, so if you got your hands on one, they're pretty rare so far. However they just switched factories and just recently (Feb 2015) got UL and FCC approval to start shipping their newer/revised lamps.

Looks like the new ones should be better and should be available pretty soon. I'm really interested in what they may be able to do with that phosphor.

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Re: Everything that's old is new again! « Reply #4 on: March 29, 2015, 05:13:46 PM » Author: jrmcferren
As goes with my uh, "tradition" of trying (and collecting) every new iteration, I've been trying to get my hands on some VU1s for a while.  They actually have been around in limited quantities for a year or so, but the initial run had some problems.  Bad QC, and a shrinking (after a short time) "beam" on the phosphor.

They're essentially CRTs yes, but without a variable choke/electromagnetic deflection. I know some people have said that they have no magnetic deflection at all but I don't believe this is the case; the cathode ray does have to be focused, to some degree, onto the phosphor, and the first run had some defects relating to the power of the cathode/electron source diminishing slightly and causing a narrowing of the beam.

Lowes had this first run, and it sold out very very quickly, as VU1 halted manufacture due to the problems, so if you got your hands on one, they're pretty rare so far. However they just switched factories and just recently (Feb 2015) got UL and FCC approval to start shipping their newer/revised lamps.

Looks like the new ones should be better and should be available pretty soon. I'm really interested in what they may be able to do with that phosphor.

These would very likely have deflection, but it is important to remember that since these are only exciting a single color phosphor (white) magnetic deflection is not required and electrostatic deflection is possible.

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Re: Everything that's old is new again! « Reply #5 on: April 15, 2015, 11:18:57 AM » Author: ggillis
If this is similar to a CRT, then is there a possibility of x-rays being produced since your pushing more current through it?  ???

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I love bulbs of all types.

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Re: Everything that's old is new again! « Reply #6 on: April 21, 2015, 05:29:07 PM » Author: mrboojay
These look very cool, I'll have to see if I can get one.  I wouldn't think they would do that high picthed CRT whine, but i'd be funny of they did.  I also like the way they kind of fade on and off, definately something I could fall in love with.

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Re: Everything that's old is new again! « Reply #7 on: May 21, 2015, 08:35:39 AM » Author: Solanaceae
I'd get one, I saw a member here a few months ago post about it.

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