Author Topic: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer  (Read 21750 times)

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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #45 on: October 12, 2015, 12:46:08 PM » Author: sol
When I worked at my university's library, we had a LaserJet 4 of some flavour. Since we used French software, sometimes the settings were made for France instead of Canada. We would occasionally get the message "PC LOAD A4".

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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #46 on: October 12, 2015, 09:58:38 PM » Author: Lumex120
About printers, I have quite a few, most nonworking. I mainly get them used and from thrift stores, because they are cheap that way. I have a huge interest in printers, specifically old single-function inkjets and lasers. There is even a forum about printers, just like LG. ;D
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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #47 on: October 12, 2015, 10:04:27 PM » Author: Solanaceae
Is your name Zarlog there too? :D

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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #48 on: October 12, 2015, 10:31:10 PM » Author: themaritimegirl
I see you got HP Laserjet 4. Thats one of the best laser printers ever made IMO.

Yep, that's a 4M. I nabbed it over the summer when the school was throwing it away. After replacing the toner cartridge and cleaning the exit rollers, it works perfect! It has only 15000 pages on the counter, but I would take that with a grain of salt considering it was used in an engineering school, and it's very easy to reset the page count (and it's reset anyway if the formatter is replaced). And I wholeheartedly agree! I think the LaserJet 4 and 5 series are some of the best printers ever made.

You also see my LaserJet 4P next to the TV. I got that for $10 at the ReStore a couple of years ago, and all it needed was a new toner cartridge to work perfect. It has 17000 pages on the counter, which I do believe since it's in like-new condition.

I have a huge interest in printers, specifically old single-function inkjets and lasers. There is even a forum about printers, just like LG. ;D
Here it is

Hey, me too!  :o Then you might be pleased to know that if you look at my YouTube, I've filmed literally two hours of video about the 4M which I've been slowly uploading in multiple parts. I also have a 40-odd minute video of my 4P when I first got it.

And wow, a printer forum. Although it looks more like it's for tech support rather than a hobby-type thing, but that's still pretty cool.

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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #49 on: October 12, 2015, 11:00:33 PM » Author: Ash
I just ADMIRE those big boxy creations of the 90s or early 2000s ! (not specifically printers but all of computer/IT equipment). You made me want a Laserjet 4 too now....


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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #50 on: October 13, 2015, 01:48:21 AM » Author: Roi_hartmann
I just ADMIRE those big boxy creations of the 90s or early 2000s ! (not specifically printers but all of computer/IT equipment). You made me want a Laserjet 4 too now....

Yep, and the iconic cream-white/beige color of IT equiptments at that time.

If you come across working laserjet 4 it's definitely worth of grabbing. This printer series is know for it's durability and workhorse reputation. You might want keep eye on especially faster plus model 4+ or 4m+ that can do 12 pages per minute. M is for postcript and also apple macintosh compatibility. the Jetdirect accessory card is one of the things that is handy to have (let's you print over ethernet network and share the printer to multiple computers).

Aamulla aurinko, illalla AIRAM


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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #51 on: October 13, 2015, 11:47:48 AM » Author: Lumex120
Is your name Zarlog there too? :D
No, it's SuperareTech. I don't know why I used that over Zarlog, though.

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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #52 on: October 13, 2015, 11:52:15 AM » Author: Lumex120
I just ADMIRE those big boxy creations of the 90s or early 2000s ! (not specifically printers but all of computer/IT equipment). You made me want a Laserjet 4 too now....

Me too! I built a computer last fall, and used an NOS metallic blue and beige flex ATX case. ;D

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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #53 on: October 13, 2015, 07:16:14 PM » Author: Ash
It is not a much about case color for me, but the structure of things. Like the IBM eServer 230 - of which i got 2, it is a tower case server with the case depth being near 3ft! All that space inside used for a huge mainboard and cooling system

(I dont have use for them right now - use a smaller and quieter box as it is in my room, the only place i can store those Dragon type Pokemon is standing one on top of the other under the electric panel, along with a big ~150ft roll of fiber optic cable (which is rolled in a wide circle and packed in a box), all that behind the front door to the home... Unfortunately this home does not have a basement to unroll my own IT department and light it up with my own lights)

Same for networking equipment, and lots of other stuff, up and including proper THICK power cables to plug it all in

Other than lighting i actually am into this sort of IT stuff. Starting from kid/teen i had a few jobs as IT kid, and later sysadmin too. Though it is more like personal interest and not a job i'd want to stay in forever

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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #54 on: October 15, 2015, 06:19:32 PM » Author: Roi_hartmann
It is not a much about case color for me, but the structure of things. Like the IBM eServer 230 - of which i got 2, it is a tower case server with the case depth being near 3ft! All that space inside used for a huge mainboard and cooling system

(I dont have use for them right now - use a smaller and quieter box as it is in my room, the only place i can store those Dragon type Pokemon is standing one on top of the other under the electric panel, along with a big ~150ft roll of fiber optic cable (which is rolled in a wide circle and packed in a box), all that behind the front door to the home... Unfortunately this home does not have a basement to unroll my own IT department and light it up with my own lights)

Same for networking equipment, and lots of other stuff, up and including proper THICK power cables to plug it all in

Other than lighting i actually am into this sort of IT stuff. Starting from kid/teen i had a few jobs as IT kid, and later sysadmin too. Though it is more like personal interest and not a job i'd want to stay in forever
What kind of fibre optic cable do you have?

Aamulla aurinko, illalla AIRAM


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Re: Scored a vintage Macintosh computer « Reply #55 on: October 15, 2015, 07:00:16 PM » Author: Ash
G.652D 144 fibers 12x12 with thick outer isolation, and thick isolated steel bending wire in the center. Our telecom company lays that in PVC pipes underground, i think this is the "primary" distribution cable

Also got few sections of few foot of G.657-A2 12 fibers 1x12 with minimal isolation, i think that is used for short "secondary" distributions

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