Author Topic: What kind of cell phone do you use?  (Read 93543 times)

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What kind of cell phone do you use? « on: January 05, 2015, 04:13:06 PM » Author: themaritimegirl
I'm just curious as to what kind of cell phone/smartphone you guys use? For Christmas I got a Windows Phone, a Nokia Lumia 635 to be exact. I fell in love with Windows Phone last year when a friend of mine got a Lumia 520. I've had my heart set on the 630/635 for months now, and I don't regret the choice at all. I've never used an Android device, and the only thing close to an iPhone I've had is my 5 year old iPod Touch, so I have nothing to go by in the way of comparison between Windows Phone and the other major platforms. All I can say is that I love it, especially the user interface.

A new phone for me was long overdue, too - it replaced a 9 year old Samsung flip phone, which was the first and only phone I had until now.  :D The only thing I'll miss about it is the week-long battery life, but as it is the Lumia seems to last 3 or 4 days between charges, which is more than enough for me.

I had a hellish time figuring out how I was going to get the phone, too. I'm on a small independent carrier whose phone choices are limited to flip phones and a few cheap Android phones, so I had to get an unlocked one, which was the real challenge. I almost got one on eBay before I discovered that the ones on there are the international version which only support 2G networks in North America. Then I discovered that Microsoft themselves sell an unlocked North American version on their online store, so that's eventually what I ended up with. Even then it was a pain in the butt, because Microsoft's tech support couldn't tell me if it would work on my carrier, so I had to just buy it, and then check with my carrier. Luckily it was good to go, and I get 4G service.

Note: I'm not intending this thread to become a heated debate between iPhone vs. Android vs. Windows Phone vs. etc... Just a friendly poll of who uses what and why.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 04:30:02 PM by TheMaritimeMan » Logged

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #1 on: January 05, 2015, 07:19:12 PM » Author: TheUniversalDave1
I have a POS iPhone 4 that is trying its darndest to crap out on me. It constantly screws itself up, the battery is almost completely dead. I can't make it a whole day on a single charge.

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #2 on: January 05, 2015, 07:36:41 PM » Author: themaritimegirl
Back when I used my iPod Touch, I discovered that I had apps that were severely sucking battery life, unbeknownst to me. Originally it would only two a couple of days on standby. Then I reset it (thus deleting all apps), and now it does a couple of weeks on Standby.

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #3 on: January 05, 2015, 09:14:28 PM » Author: sol
Call me old fashioned but I use a land line. If someone wants to reach me, they have to do so either at home or at work. I don't like being connected 24/7. Sorry for being a party pooper.

I also use a fifth generation iPod Touch on Wifi, but seldom use it outside the house.

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #4 on: January 05, 2015, 09:18:03 PM » Author: themaritimegirl
I like your style.  :D To be fair, I never had a cell phone until after I graduated high school, which was less than 3 years ago. Most of my peers got them in middle school. I hardly ever call or text anyone, which is why I'm on a small independent carrier (PC Mobile) - it costs me less than $5 a month!
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 09:22:18 PM by TheMaritimeMan » Logged

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #5 on: January 06, 2015, 12:29:41 AM » Author: icefoglights
I'm on my 11th personal cell phone.  More including work-issued phones.  Many of the personal ones I still have, though I did destroy a few.

I currently have an iPhone 6.  It's my second smart phone.  The previous one was a Samsung Rugby Smart.  Was a good phone, but a little sluggish, and kind of obsolete from the start.  Music player capabilities weren't that great, so I still had to carry an iPod around with me.  Battery life on the iPhone is also leaps and bounds ahead of what I had before, seemingly reaching that of my old pre-smart phones.  Since I live in a rural area, with less than steller home internet service, the iPhone does double duty as a second internet connection when I need more speed, such as using Skype or watching videos on YouTube.

I actually had my land line disconnected this last summer, before the campaign season heated up.  Hardly used it, but kept it around for backup dial-up internet service.  Since the local providers shut down their dial-up service, I had no reason to keep the land line phone.

For a work phone, I have a BlackBerry Bold.  I know they have their fans out there, but I would love nothing more than to smash the thing with a hammer.  It has a keyboard, but I actually preferred typing on my old flip phone's 12-button keypad.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 12:53:25 AM by icefoglights » Logged

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #6 on: January 06, 2015, 05:29:38 PM » Author: marcopete87
iPhone 4s, it was a gift (it was on sale last year).
Before i used an Samsung Galaxy young which was 100% crap after 1 year!
I tried using skype when i was abroad on truck (whith wifi area: italian service providers are ridicolous expensive in roaming! 5€ for 5MB!), but phone decided to reset itself while calling!
Actually any phone that support e-mail and whatsapp is enought for me.

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #7 on: January 07, 2015, 12:36:24 AM » Author: dor123
I've a simple Nokia cell phone.

I"m don't speak English well, and rely on online translating to write in this site.
Please forgive me if my choice of my words looks like offensive, while that isn't my intention.

I only working with the international date format (

I lives in Israel, which is a 220-240V, 50hz country.


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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #8 on: January 07, 2015, 01:46:36 PM » Author: Danny
I have an iPhone 4s my contract is FINALLY due to end in february. Ive had it since feb 2013. Its been probably the worst phone i have ever had and also the best,

Im constantly getting problems with it freezing up solid. Email sounds wont change they are stuck for some reason, i get a lot of signal issues with it and bad 3G signals. The touch screen stops working, i get a lot of storage issues like i will get a pop up saying that it hasn't backed its self up for 5 weeks etc etc, or my storage is nearly full, the  apps constantly freeze, the eBay app is atrocious, id go so far down the search results and it would change to a black screen and then go back to the home screen. So i just deleted that useless app. Camera sometimes freezes up and i have to turn it off and back on. I don't know how i have not smashed it off a wall.

The good bits have been free iMessage (when worked) as 90% of contacts that i talk to have a iPhone so messages have been free.  FaceTime when its worked, weather updates etc,

My very first phone i ever had was a samsung flip phone. That was around 2004/5 time when i was still at school. Unfortunately i lost that getting out of the car when it fell out of my pocket and plop down a roadside storm drain next was a blue flip phone that i thought was awesome at the time but now i get it out and look at it and think OMG. Next was a Motorola  that was a good phone. Then i had a Sony Ericsson that was alright, then a Black berry that was ok but also a pain. After that what i have now.... The old phones certainly seem the most reliable thats for sure! But id be lost with out this iPhone now. 

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #9 on: January 07, 2015, 02:31:50 PM » Author: Kev
iPhone 5S due upgrade this year would never ever be without my iPhone and as I can fix them when they go wrong it's ideal really. Anyone who doesn't have an iPhone doesn't know what they are missing.

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #10 on: January 07, 2015, 02:50:24 PM » Author: ADAM90
I'm still using samsung galaxy ace plus and sony ericsson xperia x8 :-[

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #11 on: January 07, 2015, 04:11:27 PM » Author: themaritimegirl
I can understand how young people might feel without being online 24/7. So it's really nice to see a few of them who can live without checking their FB every five minutes!

I check my email and social media fairly frequently, but when I don't have access to it I'm fine without it. When I stay at my grandparents I go as long as 5 days without internet access. Although now that I have my new phone I could set up a data plan next time I'm there.  :D

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #12 on: January 07, 2015, 04:31:43 PM » Author: Medved
I need the cell phone to make phone calls in the first place.
And I don't like to charge the battery more frequently than once a week.
And I need it to withstand not really nice treatment - it is an item for daily use and I don't want to pay any special attention to it.
With first two requirements, all "smart phones" are disqualified.

Today I use one of the earlier Sonim - I think electrically it is some Motorola, but mechanically it is quite robust, water proof design.

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #13 on: January 07, 2015, 10:43:25 PM » Author: ace100w120v
@icefoglights, I know EXACTLY what you mean about slow Internet service! Mine really crawls.  No cell coverage where I live, though there's talk of AT&T putting in a tower here.  If that happens I'd happily disconnect my landline and cancel my AT&T broadband Internet service, since it's no better speed-wise than a mobile hotspot that runs on a cell network, which is great for my situation, we have one already.  (If you have cell phone service, you have Internet!)
I have an AT8T Z221 flip-phone (a "GoPhone" prepaid one) that I've had 2.5 years now and it's served me well.  Despite being a regular flip phone, it's served me just fine.  They tried to sell me a fancy one but I refused, especially since at that time I had an iPod Touch.  That iPod was tough- it got submerged multiple times and worked fine.  When it finally died (submerged in saltwater, fell out of my pocket climbing out of a kayak) I didn't replace it.  I went about 2 years without any mobile device until I was given a Samsung tablet, which I do like quite a bit, other than the annoying autofill feature when typing!

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Re: What kind of cell phone do you use? « Reply #14 on: January 09, 2015, 05:56:40 AM » Author: eclipsislamps
I use a Nexus 5 for most things. I treat it like a full computer that fits in a pocket. That's how you have to treat smartphones to get the most out of them. I actually take pictures with it then directly upload it here to the gallery with it.

@icefoglights, I know EXACTLY what you mean about slow Internet service! Mine really crawls.  No cell coverage where I live, though there's talk of AT&T putting in a tower here.  If that happens I'd happily disconnect my landline and cancel my AT&T broadband Internet service, since it's no better speed-wise than a mobile hotspot that runs on a cell network, which is great for my situation, we have one already.  (If you have cell phone service, you have Internet!)
I have an AT8T Z221 flip-phone (a "GoPhone" prepaid one) that I've had 2.5 years now and it's served me well.  Despite being a regular flip phone, it's served me just fine.  They tried to sell me a fancy one but I refused, especially since at that time I had an iPod Touch.  That iPod was tough- it got submerged multiple times and worked fine.  When it finally died (submerged in saltwater, fell out of my pocket climbing out of a kayak) I didn't replace it.  I went about 2 years without any mobile device until I was given a Samsung tablet, which I do like quite a bit, other than the annoying autofill feature when typing!

If you press and hold the microphone button by the spacebar then slide up to the picture of a cog that appears above it, it brings you to a settings page where you can turn off autocorrect (also that annoying clack noise).

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