So, we all know that incandescent filament type black light works very poorly because a filament does not produce much UV. I've believed that a CFL black light is every bit as good as long and cumbersome regular fluorescent black light. Actually I thought the CFL version is more intense, because you have a 13W lamp in such a small area.
CFL black light lights up a lot brighter, but I expected that as the power density is higher. When I actually tested the two out side by side, the CFL black light was abysmal. The picture shows CFL 13W vs F20T12 lit up side by side. The CFL looks that much brighter with my eyes too.
The set of fluorescence corresponds to each lamp. These pictures were taken with a yellow filter over the camera lens. CFL black light would not cause dust to glow and you can see the glow on a piece of fluorescent orange fiber is very little compared to real black light.
Any idea why?