One of my NOS F90T17D apparently ran out of gas and quit.
It had very few hours on it, less than 50.
It started acting different than the other bulb in the fixture on startup and one end of the bulb had a odd rusty area show up inside the bulb about four inches from one end.
It looked like rust was spraying on the inside of the bulb.
It was not black, but rust color.
It ran for a while like this and then one day it would not start at all.
It would try to start but would not light up.
Dead bulb.
I have seen other LG members posts about some fluorescent bulbs not starting when they loose their gas fill.
I hope this is not a trend as the F90T17 bulbs are almost impossible to find now.
But I do wonder what the rust like deposit inside the bulb was?
I saved the bulb for display only to show others what these huge bulbs look like and if it should break no loss since it is already broken.