Author Topic: Historic Valve WW2 SORRY  (Read 2550 times)

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Historic Valve WW2 SORRY « on: July 01, 2014, 02:36:02 AM » Author: migette1
Let me take this chance to say how sorry I am for upsetting some members about an old valve and letter, I am solely interested in the hobby and history of lighting products many items connected to the darker side of history, I am guilty of that as well by putting pictures up of blackout lamps etc. Anyway once again sorry for any hurt caused by my item on the gallery.

Interested in the history of electric lighting and incandescent in particular and neon glow lamps.


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Re: Historic Valve WW2 SORRY « Reply #1 on: July 03, 2014, 06:27:55 PM » Author: wishus
Wow... Somebody got offended because you posted a picture of a valve?  My goodness!  :o
Now I did not fight in WWII (I was born MUCH later), nor have I ever been in the military, but I would like to think that even if I had, I wouldn't get upset about anyone else being excited about owning a piece of war history and posting a picture of it.  I mean, isn't that what the Allies were fighting for, to protect our freedom?
Yes, war is hell. But censoring out history's darker existence and their artifacts is contrary to the greater good.  We need to learn from history and preserve as much as possible for future generations.

In my opinion, migette1, you have nothing to apologize for.
Also, I thought the letter that accompanied the valve was quite humorous!  :D

Interested mainly in discharge lighting (mercury, sodium, neon) and also old and unusual incandescents.


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Re: Historic Valve WW2 SORRY « Reply #2 on: July 03, 2014, 08:58:32 PM » Author: themaritimegirl
You got that much heck for a picture of a tube and a letter? Wish I had been on here to see it.  :D

Anyhow, don't be sorry. Some people are just irrationally sensitive to that sort of stuff, I guess. I run a second channel on YouTube to which I upload old commercials and news clips I find on VHS tapes. One such video is a CBS News clip from September 17, 2001, obviously talking about the 9/11 attacks. More than two years after I uploaded it, a guy messaged me asking me to remove it because he "didn't like to see stuff like that". Yet he made a point of finding it to start with.  ::) The video remains up.

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Re: Historic Valve WW2 SORRY « Reply #3 on: July 06, 2014, 01:57:04 PM » Author: toomanybulbs
if folks here get butthurt over a war relic like that tube they would have heart failure if i posted my volksempfanger(peoples radio).
its a tiny bit of history being preserved.
is your tube still in the gallery?
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