Author Topic: LED bulbs that look just like incandescents? No visible external heat sinks.  (Read 2665 times)

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LED bulbs that look just like incandescents? No visible external heat sinks. « on: April 10, 2014, 01:24:46 PM » Author: Silverliner
Here's an interesting news article:

What do you think guys?

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Re: LED bulbs that look just like incandescents? No visible external heat sinks. « Reply #1 on: April 10, 2014, 05:49:06 PM » Author: Medved
They have the heatsink: The glass bulb.
The transfer of the heat from the LED assembly rods and the ballast resistors (most likely, given the overall efficacy; that mean quite robust concept) to the glass surface is done by gas convection. And for that purpose, the knowledge from an incandescent inductry is available: Even when the incandescents required to preserve the heat is possible by the use of heavier atom gasses (Kr, Xe,...), the opposite, so transfer as much heat as possible mean you need gasses with atoms way lighter than the air (H, He, Ne,...).
So once you break the glass, the rods will overheat, as the air is worse heat conductor than some of the light gasses, mainly when used with higher pressure fill.

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Re: LED bulbs that look just like incandescents? No visible external heat sinks. « Reply #2 on: April 11, 2014, 02:07:42 AM » Author: dor123
Some members uploaded LED lamps of that type.

I"m don't speak English well, and rely on online translating to write in this site.
Please forgive me if my choice of my words looks like offensive, while that isn't my intention.

I only working with the international date format (

I lives in Israel, which is a 220-240V, 50hz country.


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Re: LED bulbs that look just like incandescents? No visible external heat sinks. « Reply #3 on: April 14, 2014, 09:19:10 AM » Author: toomanybulbs
maybe some heat conducted to the base and thus the socket becomes part of the heatsink too?

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Re: LED bulbs that look just like incandescents? No visible external heat sinks. « Reply #4 on: April 14, 2014, 02:12:59 PM » Author: Medved
I just have just found the thread ...
If you can see, there is nothing to really carry the heat from the LED rods to the base, the rods are held just by rather thin lead wires going through a stern seal. Here the only available medium for the heat transfer is just the gas fill. But then you have the complete bulb surface as the heatsink, so not that small. And you should not forget, the inner gas flow along the bulb in the opposite direction than the air on the outer side, so this form a kind of countercurrent heat exchanger, so for the given area way more efficient than an isothermal (solid aluminum,...) one. And as both the inner, as well as the outer flow are governed by the same gravity, it stays countercurrent in any lamp position.

That is different to some (Panasonic? - if I remember well) LED's, which have horizontal stripe of a ceramic substrate holding the LED dies glued on an apparently metallic rod extending from the base (forming a kind of stern). That metal rod was in fact a heat pipe conducting the heat from the LED's to the metal collar around the base. There the heatsink is effectiively limited on just the collar and base, so that lamp will most likely run hotter than the type utilizing the light gas fill as heat transport medium.

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Brian TheTellyman
Re: LED bulbs that look just like incandescents? No visible external heat sinks. « Reply #5 on: April 24, 2014, 11:30:05 AM » Author: BG101
Now THIS is something I wouldn't mind, I really don't see the point of these GLS-shaped lamps which look nothing like incandescents due to the heatsinks, as well as having a directional output making them unsuitable for the types of shades I use. The large paper shades would be half-lit and the reflectors would have a glary lamp surrounded by darkness, in fact the only practical use for them would be where I normally use reflector lamps!

These glass lamps would be ideal and the large globes would solve the problem caused by the incandescent bans even if they don't produce the much-needed extra heat during the winter!


Say NO to DICTATORSHIP in the form of bulb/tube/ballast bans !!


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Re: LED bulbs that look just like incandescents? No visible external heat sinks. « Reply #6 on: April 24, 2014, 01:58:06 PM » Author: Medved
If you already do have a table lamp with paper shape, then indeed this lamp style is the best to fit there, if you do not want the incandescent.
But if you do not have any table light yet, I do not see much point in buying one working correctly only with incandescents, wasting 80% of the light just because the incandescent is too glary by itself and then try to find the "best incandescent replacement", when y7ou can buy for the same cost (lantern plus the light source) the purpose build fixture of the same quality level, where usually 2..5x less lumens do the same work and at the same time the used light source is 3..8x more efficient...

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