In fact, there was a study done that shows the rapid-start T8 magnetic ballast actually demonstrates shorter lamp life than an instant-start electronic ballast in frequently-switched applications!
I have also seen rapid-start electronic ballasts - these I think have temperature-controlled (PTC) preheat, and a discharge (dim glow) forms along 1/3 to the whole length the tube at the same time, or slightly after the preheating starts, for usually about a second, and then the tube ignites fully. When the lamp is hot, though, it starts instantly.
These are the Programmed start: First they just heat up the filament and only after some programmed time they increase the voltage for ignition.
The partial glow during the preheat is caused by the voltage across the lamp: Although the aim is just heat up the electrodes, it does not mean there can not be any voltage across the lamp, it just has to be low enough, the lamp does not ignite.
From practical implementation, there are two options how to approach the preheat/ignition/run:
- First uses a kind of switch, which initially bypass the tube, so the arc can not form, but let the current flow just through the filament. With this, the inverter is in fact loaded by just an L and small R, so operates as during normal lamp run.
After some time the switch opens and let the inverter operate into a series LC, forming the required high voltage for the ignition. At this stage the operating frequency is steered by the LC resonance. When the lamp ignites, the arc effectively damp the LC, so the inverter operate into a LR load, so the inverter frequency become more-less controlled by the current.
This concept mean nearly no voltage across the lamp during preheat, but it's only practical implementation mean using a PTC as that switch: Initially it is cold, so low ohmic, so bypasses the resonant capacitor. The preheat current heat this PTC too, till it's resistance increase and allow the LC to generate the high voltage. This is usually employed in the very simple selfoscillating ballasts and very frequently in CFL's, because the whole circuit is just a power halfbridge oscillator: So simple, but not able to do much.
- The second way is to keep the resonant output stage all the time the same, but sweep the frequency: Initially operate above the resonance, so there is not enough voltage across the capacitor (so lamp) to ignite it, but the current is sufficient (~1.5..2x the rated lamp arc current) for the electrode warmup. Or, in case of voltage heating, the voltage across the auxiliary winding on the inductor generate quite sufficient heating voltage. But during this time, the voltage across the lamp is a bit less than 150V (a figure for F36T8; the F32T8 would be about the same), way too little for the lamp to ignite at any temperature.
After the timer expires, the frequency starts to sweep down towards the operating frequency, driving the LC through it's resonance, so generate high voltage. This high voltage (at least 1kV for F36T8) is then sufficient to ignite the lamp at any temperature and even surface leakage (humidity, dust,...) condition. After the frequency reaches the normal operating level, the lamp is assumed lit. With these, either the circuit is designed so, it may stay in the "operation frequency" state forever (it does not stress any component and the voltage on the output is way below 600V - the limit for a normal "600V OCV" rated wiring), or it detect the fault and shut down.
This control requires quite sophisticated circuit, so practically it mean an integrated circuit, where all the functionality, except the power transistors, is implemented on-chip, driving a pair of power MOSFET's. The circuit has around just few passive components to program the required operating characteristics (frequencies, preheat time,...) and it's supply, so the circuit on the PCB is not that complex at all (as all the complexity is integrated on the controller chip).