Author Topic: Arc Tube Voltage/Pressure/Temperature (big question, my apologies)  (Read 2711 times)

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Arc Tube Voltage/Pressure/Temperature (big question, my apologies) « on: September 10, 2013, 05:15:31 PM » Author: MikeT1982
Hey guys, I know that this may be kind of an involved question so don't kill me, but I have always been curious as to the differences here. And I'm not looking for exact figures but estimates are fine just to have a feel for it. I realize that the current would vary depending on the wattage of the bulb so I left that out. But I'm very curious as to the starting and final full run up specs, the arc tube "atmospheric conditions lol" of -

Starting/Ending Arc Tube Voltage/Pressure/Temperature of --->

- A Clear Neon Tube (as used in a sign filled with just neon gas)
- A T12 Fluorescent Tube (standard say 40 watt)
- A Mercury Vapor Bulb (standard 175 watt clear merc)
- A Metal Halide Bulb (standard 175 watt MH)
- A High Pressure Sodium Bulb (standard say 70 watt)
- A SOX Low Pressure Sodium Bulb (standard say 90 watt)

I know this is asking alot but it's always fascinated me.  I don't care what units are given even though I'm familiar with Farenheit and PSI I will gladly convert myself!  Thanks ahead of time guys.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 05:17:54 PM by MikeT1982 » Logged

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Re: Arc Tube Voltage/Pressure/Temperature (big question, my apologies) « Reply #1 on: September 12, 2013, 10:46:47 AM » Author: marcopete87
hi, some info are on

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Re: Arc Tube Voltage/Pressure/Temperature (big question, my apologies) « Reply #2 on: September 12, 2013, 04:36:50 PM » Author: MikeT1982
Thanks man, I realized I asked a very broad question that may take an excess of time to answer.  I am going to try to research and report back. Here's what I know but am not professing to be certain just my understanding that- the voltage of neon tubes are in the kV range and pressure really wouldn't change through operation much as there's no solids vaporizing into the gas (unless its a mercury vapor phosphor multi color, but I mean true neon clear glass.  The pressure though I am unsure if its level with atmosphere, slight vacuum (air evacuated and tube back filled with neon but still leaving a negative pressure vs atmosphere) or filled above atmosphere.  The HiD's as a group generally run at 100 volt final arc I've been told, the HPS and halides get the multi kV ignitor pulse to start and the Mercs just starts at 220v due to having a starter electrode and simmer down to around 100v when the mercury metal evaporates "into solution" with the argon penning mixture but their pressures before and after ignition whether above or below atmosphere (I know def above after full run up but how much) for the HID's is my main curiosity. Is a merc thats fully warmed sitting at 100PSI or just say 15PSI like a wheel barrow tire LoL :-) So I'm gonna try to research this :-)

Edit- Alright! Very fascinating! I have found pretty good answers to satisfy my curiosity, the mercs and HPS seem to be under 100psi and the metal halides higher, and the short arc xenons even higher wow!  The fluorescents, neons, and low pressure sodiums seem to sit around -1 to +1 psi. That explains xenon short arc and metal halide violent EOL failures!  Thanks again for the resources!
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 08:45:39 PM by MikeT1982 » Logged
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