It depend on how the tube will be used: For occasionally used showcase I would use preheat circuit with manual preheat start: It is simple and there is nothing to degrade and so change parameters over time.
For long time use per start the SRS would mean least stress on the filament wire (the current to the arc is fed from both sides). But this ballast start the lamp with not really completely heated up filaments.
A HF ballast mean less stress during the running phase (quite constant ionization, no electrode cool downs and reignitions after each zero crossing,...), but they will cold start the lamp, so usable only when there will be only very few starts. Programmed start ballasts won't help, as you will likely not found any designed for correct operation with such old lamp (without premature cold-ignitions) IS ballast with one wire per lamp end does wear the electrode more during each start, but will be able to operate the lamp even when the filament break (the older T12 tend to suffer from structurally brittle filaments)
For frequently switched place the preheat with an electronic starter (S10e,...) would be the best - no cold starts,...