Author Topic: Website about "not basic" effects in power quality  (Read 2279 times)

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Website about "not basic" effects in power quality « on: June 26, 2013, 03:08:15 PM » Author: Ash
Dealing with electricity we have run into many "weird", "not basic". "interesting" effects of the grid, devices/faults etc. Some of them may even be part of explaining a "paranormal" experience (having worked in IT and being known as a sparky between local friends, i stumbled myself into much "interesting" effects, and heard some more "my home/cubicle is haunted" stories from users som of which i was asked to advise on resolving)

Right now, searching for some explanation on a topic, i found a website that explains very clearly many of those "not basic" effects, which they call "power quality". I read a couple articles and i really enjoyed this website
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