Author Topic: Great Value ( Wal Mart) LED 800 lumen lamp  (Read 2829 times)

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Great Value ( Wal Mart) LED 800 lumen lamp « on: May 16, 2013, 11:03:43 AM » Author: Powell
It looks more like an incandescent and spreads light more evenly than the Sylvania one It is lighter and has pleasant warm white color. The base where the electronics and LEDs likely are get VERY hot. It also, as the Sylvania interferes with AM   **AND** FM equally bad when the radio is close to the lamp. Strangely, though AM reception on the 1950s NC188 General Coverage receiver was unaffected. The lamp sits atop the matching speaker for the radio and is plugged into the same outlet.  I expect it will NOT  last the rated 22 years.....



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Re: Great Value ( Wal Mart) LED 800 lumen lamp « Reply #1 on: May 18, 2013, 05:30:29 AM » Author: Medved
The radio interference likely come from the very fast transients, so high frequency components, what demodulate (and so flip into the AM band) on the rather sensitive, but qay too simple consumer receivers.

The "general coverage" receivers are designed to filter out well all off-band signals (and not only close in the frequency, but mainly the far off-band frequencies) - an ability missing in the cheap consumer grade radio-broadcast equipment. Well, this ability is quite expensive to make, mainly today (it can not be miniaturized).

For the ballast temperature: The vast majority of the heat come from the LED's alone.
And moreover the newly used LED concepts of hogher amount of low power (but still well heatsinked) LED chips compare to the older concept of few high power chips allow te ballast efficiency to be way higher (95% for isolated, 97% for non-isolated topolgy is quite common, while with 3-chip concept does not go above the 80% mark, what mean 4..7xless losses in the new design for the same power), so even when it handle rather high power in a way smaller format and yet remain colder.
So the fact, the ballast is squeezed into tighter space does not mean it would run hotter. I would rather guess the opposite, as the base is the coldest place, the ability to squeeze it there mean it could actually run cooler than the older type. And when it is the modern electrolyte free design, there is virtually nothing to degrade in the ballast, so the lifetime could be really way longer.
But of course, the general reliability would be still a quastion, though not as much related to the ballast size...
« Last Edit: May 18, 2013, 05:40:05 AM by Medved » Logged

No more selfballasted c***


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Re: Great Value ( Wal Mart) LED 800 lumen lamp « Reply #2 on: May 21, 2013, 12:18:04 PM » Author: Powell
The bottom of the box gave it away. The lamp was made by TCP. It is also rated for indoor / outdoor enclosed fixtures. I left it in. I like the way the light is distributed more smoothly than the Sylvania. 


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