Author Topic: "American Dream" Home  (Read 8459 times)

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Re: "American Dream" Home « Reply #15 on: June 20, 2013, 10:32:10 PM » Author: DetroitTwoStroke
President Bush wasn't the brightest bulb, but Obama seems to be deliberately hurting our country. Bush signed things, like EISA 2007, because he didn't know any better, but at least he was in the office (maybe it was part of his strategery ;D ). Obama spends most of his time on vacation or out golfing, or saying something to embarrass the U.S.

The government has certainly changed since President George Washington's time.

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Re: "American Dream" Home « Reply #16 on: June 21, 2013, 02:51:02 AM » Author: Ash
As we all know many countries in the world. including USA, are becoming "safety scared", "security scared", "insurance scared" and so on. Now, this is the atmosphere in which kids and youth are raised today, which means that their parents (who are 2x-3x-4x years old now) are part of this trend

Now, Obama is 51 - This is about 10 years older than those parents in average. 10 years are 2.5 president cadencies - If we wait for 2.5 cadencies more, the president which will be elected will be likely from the mid of the "scared" generation. By then there would be 6.5 cadencies of "scared presidents" (2x Bush + 2x obama + 2.5x unknown) = 26 years

This is enough to raise a whole generation that will be brough in this scared world and not remember what was there before - they will only assume it is natural. If today the discovery of plans had made much public noise (but by far not enough IMHO), in that generation they will be nothing but happy to by monitored to ensure their safety/security. Now this is a really dangerous situation
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